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  • Hardships In Life

    Posted by Zuhair on August 4, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    My question is very basic but important as Ive been saying a lot of incidents of sexual abuse against women in Pakistan almost every day. What I don’t understand is that why does Allah want those innocent women to go through this. I mean men also have their own problems but in Pakistan sexual abuse has been increasing day by day which makes it very disturbing, waking up and reading similar news everyday. Why is it happening? And knowing this, how can a woman live normally in her own country knowing that things like this can happen unexpectedly and just randomly out of no where?

    Zuhair replied 6 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator August 4, 2024 at 11:37 pm

    Allah does not want any innocent woman to go through any trouble. Human beings have been given innate sense of good and evil with a freedom to excercise either good or evil. It is the use of evil by some human beings which leads to such mishaps for innocent human beings. Additionally, collective conscience of society at times fail to apprehend perpetrators of such heinous crimes. We should not blame Allah for our own misdoings and our failure in providing swift justice to the victims.

    Every human being is going through this test of life on the basis of which good-doers and evil-doers both will be subjected to divine justice on the day of judgement even if they escape the worldly justice designed by humans.

  • Zuhair

    Member August 5, 2024 at 2:41 am

    I understand, but this makes me further confused as we, as Muslims, believe that our lives/fate is predestined, what ever good or bad happens to us is because Allah wanted it to happen. Thats how we convince ourselves that everything happens for a reason and if Allah closes one door he opens another. Thats atleast how I live my life knowing that even if im hit by a car for example, if I fall in the washroom for instance, etc, I don’t like to believe it was random but that Allah wanted this to happen. How can one focus on predestination by keeping in mind what you just explained. Im sorry I always ask this question but for some reason my mind isn’t able to digest the fact that humans have their own moral sense and free will, and that Allah doesn’t stop you or has no control over whatever good or bad you do.

    • Umer

      Moderator August 5, 2024 at 9:39 pm

      What’s the point of this worldly test if Allah allows his knowledge to influence our actions which will decide our final destination on the day of judgement? The Quran does not support this notion. According to Quran, Allah created us to see who follows the right path and who follows the wrong path with an innate sense of good and evil already given to us. The concept of predestination portrayed by you is alien to Quran. Yes, everything happens because Allah has willed it to happen i.e. Allah has allowed it to happen by giving us freedom in those domains and when Allah will decide, he will take away this freedom from us. There are certain domains in which we have freedom/control i.e. ethical domain and there are certain domains in which we do not have freedom/control i.e. our place of birth, end result of our efforts etc.

      The question asked by you primarily relates to the ethical domain where some evil people misuse their freedom and exploit the vulnerable people in the society.

      The concept of predestination according to us is follows:

      Discussion 36903

  • Zuhair

    Member August 5, 2024 at 9:55 pm

    Thankyou Sir, it makes much sense now. Because of reading about predestination and all in our Islamiat books in school, I just had that in mind so it created confusion.

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