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  • Enjoining Of Five Times Daily Salaat

    Posted by Zakir Hossain on August 10, 2024 at 2:33 pm

    In one of the videos, Ghamidi Sb has mentioned that offering of five times daily salaat was enjoined upon all the prophets starting from Adam (AS).

    I would like to know what is the source of this information. Secondly, if this is the case then what about the narration of the Night Journey to the heavens by our prophet in which it has been reported that initially Allah enjoined daily prayers 50 times a day, but was reduced to 5 times. Even though it is contended that this incident was a roya, still how does the narration fit in this case when five times daily prayers was already in vogue.

    Please clarify.

    Saad replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Enjoining Of Five Times Daily Salaat

    Saad updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Saad

    Contributor August 10, 2024 at 3:22 pm

    Here is a narration in which Hazrat Jibrael teaches the five prayers to Prophet (PBUH) and then confirms that these are the times of previous prophets:

    ……Then turning to me he said: Muhammad, this is the time observed by the prophets before you……

    The roya is a vision, it is symbolic and does not necessarily follow what is in vogue. The vision shows that the proper way to worship God is to pray to Him 50 times a day at least. But it shows that God likes to bestow favors upon us and prefers ease for His servants in worship so He reduced the prayer number to five for people of all era but decided to reward them to the equal of 50 prayers. Thus symbolically, the roya shows the favor of God upon those who worship Him and an understanding that the religion is not meant to be difficult as per God’s preference.

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