Surat Fatiha In Congregational Salah
Hanafi scholar say recitation of surat Fatiha and part of Quran in fard salat while praying behind imam in jamat since the recitation by Imam is sufficient. However there is a Hadith qudsi which essentially says that there is NO ( valid) salat if don’t recite surat Fateha in salat.
Coming from Hanafi upbringing what I do is stay quiet when Imam is reciting loudly and recite surat Fateha when Imam is reciting silently such as in 3rd magrib and in 3-4th rakat in isha . Recite surat Fateha and few ayat in silent prayers such as zohar and asr when praying behind Imam in jamat.
Is my salat valid ? Can you please clarify this issue?
Shaukat Shaikh
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