Beard (Darhee) And Covering Head As Nafil
Assalamoalaikum Brother,
I have been actively listening to Ustaaz Javaid Sb lectures and has been reading his books. I understand and agree with his teachings on various issues including “Darhee and covering head in Islam”.
My question today is of slightly different nature as a student of Fiqr e Farahi and the reason for this question is my observation and also listening to different lectures of Ustaaz Javaid sb so when I see our elders in Farahi Fiqr. For example Hameeduddin Farahi RA (had beard and covered his head), Ustaaz Ameen Ehsan Islahi RA (had beard, not sure if he covered his head), Ustaaz Javaid Ahmad Ghamidi Sb (himself has kept beard all his life), and Imam Hasan Ilyas Sb (has beard and cover head) and few other eminent scholars from Fiqr e Farahi.
I just wanted to understand “do we in Fiqr e Farahi or as per Ustaz Javaid Sb teachings consider “Darhee and covering head a Nafal act”? Or does it not even considered a Nafal act? as some scholars say we just keep it as prophet pbuh kept it as a Nafal act (in love of prophet pbuh)?
Can a brother of knowledge share a link where this question is specifically answered by Javaid Sb. I have seen his 23 Eteraaz series and I didn’t hear from him answering this question specifically.
JazakAllah for helping in clarifying.
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