Hinduism Concept Of Wasila Vs Quresh's Concept Of Wasila
In the above, 13:43 – 15:51. Dhruv claims that Hubal was worshipped as a competent entity of God and as a separate God. Hence anyone who worships Allah with intermediaries in between is still a believer.
I guess Dhruv is coming to wrong conclusions.
Hence, I wanted to strengthen my understanding in detail on the below questions:
1. Whats the difference between hinduism concept of wasila and Quraysh concept of wasila ?
2. Is this correct that Hubal was worshipped as separate god and not an intermediary to Allah. ?
3.. What does quran say who keep intermediaries in between Allah and themselves. Will the person considered as Kafir if he keeps intermediaries between him and Allah while still believing allah is ONE. Example Idol’s or Pictures. ?
Jazakallahu Khairaa.
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