The Self And Free Will
My questions have to do with the reality of the nafs and the entity that is being tested in this world. I understand that Ghamidi Sahab has explained that the nafs and ruh are two separate entities, the former comprising of the latter in addition with the personality. The personality is everything that I know about myself and that, so far, has been connected to this world.
Will this part of me, (i.e. who I am), be discarded upon my death and will I be someone else after?
Will the ‘purification’ process for heaven be done by force or will we have the chance to converse with God prior to this?
Furthermore, to what extent, if at all, will free will be granted in the next life or are we to be programmed to conform to a self that is only in line with Gods desires? For example, an abused person living alongside their abuser for all eternity, having no knowledge of it at the same time. Will we be worshipping God there too, even if we don’t feel like it at any given moment? I recall a hadith saying we will be praising God like how we breath now. Is that not a limitation on the will we will have there?
I understand that we must focus on getting there first, but any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
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