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  • Is This All Simulation?

    Posted by Ahmed Ullah on June 28, 2024 at 8:53 am

    I’m unable comprehend the fact that each and every religion in this world is trying to project an understanding of simulation when they describe religion. Why I was created and why I would be punished for what I do? I didn’t agree to be here or Alam-e-Arwah or anyother place?

    I was created along with desires and I am asked not to do certain things and if I would live my life according to the rules, I would be rewarded at the end. What? Is this a video game? Why I am being played upon? It’s like I wanted to play this. Am I a piece of entertainment for the Creator?

    Please reply to this question.

    Ahmed Ullah replied 1 hour, 5 minutes ago 5 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Is This All Simulation?

    Ahmed Ullah updated 1 hour, 5 minutes ago 5 Members · 19 Replies
  • Saad

    Contributor June 28, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    I will not answer your question. Instead I will write down the narrative as we understand it, and you can ponder over it.

    We have questions about life (where we come from, why do we have morality, why do we desire immortality and justice in a world of injustice and death, what happens after death, etc) and religion exists to answer these questions. We analyze arguments for every narrative that comes and accept it if we are convinced. For Islam the arguments are the following:
    Discussion 1630

    When you are convinced by these arguments, you accept the testimony of God that comes in the Qur’an.
    The testimony is as follows:

    God does whatever He wants. Almighty, who is not bound by anyone, choose to be Creator.
    As a Creator, He created many things and choose that He will bless some of His creation with eternal life and freedom to have whatever it desires in Paradise.
    For this Paradise, only the obedient creation will enter so He offered them a choice (Qur’an 33:72). To take a test of a few decades on earth and then be rewarded for eternity of blessings. We accepted the test by choice and here we are (according to the testimony of God that we accepted).

    If one is convinced and reminded of this pact man made with God then he is responsible. If a person does not intentionally betray God then there is no punishment for him but rebelling against God intentionally results in punishment.

    If one is not convinced of the narrative then the punishment only exists in terms of sins done to others. Even if one is not convinced of life and thinks he did not agree to this life, does not mean one live a life of e.g murder, a murderer will taste justice in the Afterlife. But if you are not convinced of Afterlife, live a peaceful life then chances are, you will not be resurrected for judgment and your account will be settled here.
    Discussion 85201

    • Taimur Mughal

      Member June 28, 2024 at 2:57 pm

      You said then the person will not be resurrected anymore on judgementday while I read in several places in Quran God will leave not even one behind. All will appear before him.

      So can u kindly elaborate what u meant by that?

    • Saad

      Contributor June 28, 2024 at 3:18 pm

      The discussion I linked above elaborate this.

      Allah will not leave those who intentionally deny the truth behind. Everyone of them will be judged. But those that are not carrying the sin of kufr will not be punished by eternal Hell obviously but if they did not desire for Paradise either, then they will not enter Paradise either. So the qiyas here is that either they won’t be resurrected or they will be turned to dust. (Although it is more likely they will not be resurrected as it would be unusual to resurrect them just to turn them into dust afterward)
      22:31 – 26:55

    • Taimur Mughal

      Member June 28, 2024 at 3:43 pm

      I just watched the clip and ghanidi sahab is also saying what I read; that they will getvthe rewards ik the world and in hereafter nothing but punishment. Perhaps they will be in hell in a state of sorrow ??

      And rationally speaking who doesn’t want paradise ? I mean a sane normal human will automatically want it once he sees it. So it doesn’t make sense that they will not be resurrected.

    • Saad

      Contributor June 28, 2024 at 3:47 pm

      Yes, the verse is dealing with people who have committed kufr. Question to you is, now the case is those that are not convinced, are not born among a Messenger and do not want Paradise, only want worldly life treasures. What do you think God should do to them? Send them to Hell anyway?

      Rationally speaking yes. But most people are not rational:

    • Taimur Mughal

      Member June 28, 2024 at 4:16 pm

      The fact that they wanted world treasures makes clear once they see paradise they would want that as well. Because it will be even more amazing

      imagine God creating heaven but it’s not that appealing to some people whole the world was !? How can this be possible. It can’t because paradise would be top notch pleasures and many more stuff. It won’t be a to just sit and relax as many people think.

      Secondly the link you gave the guy has clearly many misconceptions about heaven.

      He is saying basically that heaven is a boring place with no competition and amazingness we experience on earth while that is not true. It’s a place every soul will desire if shown and there are things that God created that we don’t even know of.

      Let’s say God does turn them to dust, then what about those people who went to heaven and still desire meeting this person? What you are saying I never heard of in Quran in any other place. Even if people didn’t did kufr , they wil still be punished because they would be probbaly asked why didn’t u searched the truth? What was stopping you? Something along those lines.

    • Saad

      Contributor June 28, 2024 at 4:19 pm

      If you really want to debate this. Kindly take it to my private message or make a separate thread.

      The guy who made this thread with the simulation problem is not gonna be happy when he wakes up nor does he seems to care about entering Paradise it seems because his main point is why God created him at all even if he gets the opportunity to enter Paradise (So maybe channel your energy towards convincing him about Paradise).

    • Ahmed Ullah

      Member July 2, 2024 at 6:26 am

      Hi, Alhumdulillah I always wakes up happy by the grace of Allah. The thing is we desire to go to paradise we are told that the paradise is amazing. In greed of entering paradise we restrict ourselves accordingly to the law, my question is not about that.

      I am interested to know why we were created and put into this world with concept of heaven and hell, good and bad.

      Again a question arises in my mind.

      Are we all subjects of some experiment?

    • Saad

      Contributor July 2, 2024 at 6:30 am

      Problem is that ‘need’ doesn’t exist for God.

      There is no reason or need that exists for God, because nothing exists before Him and nothing can compel Him.

      Creation has needs and reasons. God is not a creation, He chooses and it becomes our reason. So God choose to be a Creator and created. He choose to be Generous and offered some of His creation a choice to enter a test and earn eternal blessings. Since we accepted the deal, we are here.

      The ideal situation was that all of creation would do well in test and fill up Paradise with eternal blessings. But since some have clearly abused free will and went as far as rebelling against God, they may end up in Hell.

      Once you understand the difference between needless God and needy creation, it will make sense.

      You are not subject of experiment according to Allah. You were created to be put in Paradise where He will shower you with love. The blessing is great that only obedient will receive so a small test was needed to prove that obedience. That is what Allah told us. Speculating beyond that is a mistake.

      3:08 – 7:26

    • Ahmed Ullah

      Member July 2, 2024 at 6:53 am

      I agree with your point. I am serious in need to find this answer. I do have similar understanding as yours.

      We have needs and God created us, and we have to pass a test to enter paradise. I agree with that.

      What is the purpose for this creation given that God is needless.

      Are a piece of entertainment for God that he created us? But God is needless.

      Since God is needless and His Creatures are needy. Did he make us to experience needs?

      There is so much suffering and pain and all around. There is happiness and peace also but it all could have been avoid if God would not have created us. He could have existed by himself since there is no reason or need.

      Needs are created for us and we’re suffering only because of such needs and desires. Need for this, Desire for that. Everything is chaotic.

    • Saad

      Contributor July 2, 2024 at 6:58 am

      And We did not create the heaven and earth and that between them in play. If We had wished to find a pastime, We could have found it in Our presence – if We ever did. (Qur’an 21:16-17)

      He made us to experience His Paradise. Needs exist as part of the test, i.e even in need, do you stay obedient or disobey Him?

      What’s your point about suffering? Had God avoided this, He would just sit still. Unfortunately, you can’t stop an Almighty Being from doing anything. He did it, and now we the needy powerless creation has to accept it. But He stopped and asked us (Qur’an 33:72) whether we want to taste this temporary suffering for eternal blessing out of generosity. Our answer was obvious because you are standing here right now.

    • Ahmed Ullah

      Member July 3, 2024 at 12:30 am

      So I have to have an understanding that I somebody (God in this Case) imposed his decision on me. And he made to enjoy his paradise but again God has no need or desires but still I see a pattern everywhere particularly in Islam we have to things in a certain way. This is all very ambiguous, the whole understanding of it, provided that God is needless.

      I met with people of different religions and they have the some events happened in their lives which made them believe more firmly in their beliefs, which were very similar to the events which made me have my trust in Islam.

      I don’t know what I should do, accept the prevailing belief about the existence of God and Creation or research more about it and there is a very huge difference between analytical and philosophical thinking about all this creation.

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 28, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    Why you think so….

    Just reverse your whole approach and see what you get to know…cmmon! Do it honestly….

    • Ahmed Ullah

      Member July 2, 2024 at 6:28 am

      Please let me know your thinking process of reversing the approach. I would be thankful and I hope I would conclude something from your approach.

    • Shayiq Shah

      Member July 2, 2024 at 11:10 am

      Dear i mean,when you see simulation it appeals it in a way that every one can say yes it is simulation….

      But it is not the case….hardly any person says it….

      And also that is when he is influenced by ideology which he made at home by himself or anyone else made…

      You are dear to me…but this is what it is….

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 29, 2024 at 12:03 am

    Man opted for this test as God has informed us. The evidence of this choice is obvious. One has option always available to end this game of life. But No one wants to die, rather exert all efforts to stay alive as long as possible.

    The life is with a purpose that if you live a life according to your creator you get eternal blessing and a life which you desire. This life is a greate opportunity to earn endless blessings. That is why we chose it.

    • Ahmed Ullah

      Member July 2, 2024 at 6:31 am

      Was it a deal? I completely understand your point and I do have an understanding of that but again my question is about the creation.

    • Saad

      Contributor July 2, 2024 at 6:34 am

      Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they all declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity accepted it…… (Qur’an 33:72)

  • Ahmed Ullah

    Member July 2, 2024 at 6:15 am

    I do practice Islam in a very good way and I do want to enter the paradise and I have information that it would be more amazing than this temporary world. I do believe in all that but question here is why we were created? Nobody has given me a short and clear explanation to that.

    It’s all like a game that if you play it according to the rules you would be rewarded then game over? Do whatever you do desire in heaven.

    Why there was a need to create a life out of nothing and putting them into a jail and promising them a reward afterwards?

    I have been told that Iman is all about trusting and following and I can’t question what i am following.

    To answer this question people are only giving references of Paradise and to have believe and trust in short.

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