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  • Changes In Ruling In Different Shariahs

    Posted by Chowdhury Naqib on July 1, 2024 at 4:33 pm

    All scholars agree on this that, rulings of shariah may change from one shariah to another. But at the same time I have seen many scholars saying changes are not something which is inherently good or bad. If so then does that mean that the haram and the halal does not change. Because change in this will mean a good is turned into bad and a bad into good. It is only things related to rituals like sabbath. If not does not it bring the question whether something good because God commanded it or it is good because the thing itself is good. Also is there any list available to refer in order to see the changes and compare?

    Saad replied 5 days, 3 hours ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Changes In Ruling In Different Shariahs

    Saad updated 5 days, 3 hours ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Saad

    Contributor July 3, 2024 at 4:55 am

    What are you implying though? That there is some universal list of good and evil that even Allah must follow? Nauzubillah. Allah is not bound by anything.

    It is Allah from where our morality comes from as does all things. The human fitrah that tells us what is good and bad is nothing more than the commandment of Allah embed in us by birth. Allah does not change this basic morality (even though He who created nature, can surely change it (Qur’an 76:28) ) because then there would be chaos. We are sent in this life to be obedient to Allah (Qur’an 51:56), that what is good, what He values and that what is bad is what distances us from Him and what He disapproves. Those who follow what Allah approves, are closer to Him, those who are closer to Him will be in Paradise (Qur’an 4:13).

    However since application of this basic morality is subjective and dependent of situation (Discussion 98343) so Shariah definitely needs to change time to time. In other words, the ‘external Shariah’ must be changed to ensure the ‘inner Shariah’ does not get compromised. Because if what is inside you is compromised, then your entry into Paradise is compromised (Qur’an 91:9-10). So the basic commands of Allah given to you by birth will not change for this reason as well.

    As for the list, it can hard to determine because changes in Shariah in past are done by three things:
    1. Change by necessity
    2. Change as a punishment
    3. Biddah

    Example of necessity is the family system and who you can marry and who you cannot. In the beginning, the only true prohibition is between parents and child. But as time passed and family system grew, Allah imposed more relations to be prohibited so children can have siblings, uncles, aunts etc according to their needs. Discussion 36700 • Reply 36741

    Example of punishment is when Children of Israel were asked to sacrifice an animal but since they insisted on questioning and delayed the command, the requirements for the sacrifice increased (Qur’an 2:67-71). So Allah has imposed some restrictions on some people when they become rebellious to Him as a form to punish them. (Qur’an 4:160)

    Example of Biddah is the changes that Children of Israel brought themselves e.g Ghamidi Sahab argues that the Sabbath was originally on Friday rather than Sunday. Discussion 86383
    Christians overthrew the entire Shariah for the idea of Atonement doctrine. (Qur’an 57:27)

    So as you can see, it’s difficult to make a list because some changes were not really changes in Shariah, some were changes by the people by themselves, other were punishments.

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