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Forums Forums Youth And Islam Watching Porn In Private In Country Were It'S Illegal To Watch Porn

  • Watching Porn In Private In Country Were It'S Illegal To Watch Porn

    Posted by Jahanzaib on October 18, 2024 at 4:35 am

    Discussion 58448

    In my opinion we already covered most of the sides regardin this subject in ask.ghamdi except with the context which I want to address:

    With the command of Obey the law of land if the land has banned porn sites and/or made porn illegal does still watchin it with or without VPN ~in private~ fall in the category of disobeyin the law of the land, would u blamed for it(carry a sin) in that context or will it fall in the category pointed here

    Discussion 80324 • Reply 80345

    and the only sin would be from the ‘consumin of porn in private’ itself?

    Ahsan replied 2 days, 17 hours ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Watching Porn In Private In Country Were It'S Illegal To Watch Porn

    Ahsan updated 2 days, 17 hours ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 18, 2024 at 5:52 am

    Please go through first forum again. Watching porn is considered haram on the basis of sadd e zariya.

    if you do it then you commit two sins at the same time.

    • Jahanzaib

      Member October 18, 2024 at 7:22 am


      Never said watchin porn wasn’t haram. It is a minor sin yes. But how could u say one has committed 2 sins at the same time if the 2nd forum I linked to my understanding has already acknowledged through Dr.irfan the scenario of NOT gettin the sin of not obeying law of the land if one does certain unlawful in the eyes of Land “act” IN PRIVATE?

      Shouldn’t u ONLY be blamed for watching porn is haram sin then unless u do it publicly to be sinful of 2 sins?

      Discussion 95426 • Reply 95485

      discussion further clarifies what I am saying.

      Disobeying the law of the land publicly = sinful

      Disobeying the law of the land privately = not sinful in that context.

    • Jahanzaib

      Member October 18, 2024 at 7:34 am

      We need to consider that the law of the land can’t be to one going against it in private in context of The Realm of Privacy in Islam. Islam considers the safeguarding of people’s privacy as not only an individual duty of all people but also as the Islamic state and government’s obligation and regards any illegal interference and violation of people’s privacy (either from the side of other people or the government authorities) sin and illegal.

  • Jahanzaib

    Member October 19, 2024 at 8:27 am

    Well I guess if u are of the opinion of the usage of internet itself being a public usage then ruling around it is depends were u stand on the former point.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 20, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    So, according to Ghamidi sb, if a major sin is committed, then every sin you incur which led to major sin will be counted and accountable for punishment.

    My view was based on this understanding.

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