Watching Porn In Private In Country Were It'S Illegal To Watch Porn
In my opinion we already covered most of the sides regardin this subject in ask.ghamdi except with the context which I want to address:
With the command of Obey the law of land if the land has banned porn sites and/or made porn illegal does still watchin it with or without VPN ~in private~ fall in the category of disobeyin the law of the land, would u blamed for it(carry a sin) in that context or will it fall in the category pointed here
Discussion 80324 • Reply 80345
and the only sin would be from the ‘consumin of porn in private’ itself?
Watching Porn In Public Versus Private - Ask Ghamidi
Why watching porn in private is sadde zariya and not haram but in public it's absolute haram?.Cause still I am not the part of that particular act .
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