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Forums Forums Youth And Islam The Concept Of Detachment Or Renunciation From This World

  • The Concept Of Detachment Or Renunciation From This World

    Posted by Ashif Ahmed on February 4, 2025 at 3:32 am

    1.If this world is fitnah then why we should we attached to this world and its matter?

    2. What Islam says about detachment / renunciation?

    3. Can we follow concepts of detachment/ renunciation and still follow Islam and just follow the things which are obligatory to us and detached to other all matter?

    4. If we separated both Islam and concept of detachment and never mix the concept of detachment with Islam is it possible to follow Islam. And if the answer is yes i know we can’t detached with our family and the responsibility we have. But still can i just physically attached to worldly matters and spiritually not care about anything but follow responsibilities and spirituality just attach to Allah .

    5. And if Islam allows detachment how much and we need to attach in worldly things like marriage, responsibilities (hukukul ibad )and all the other worldy things according to Islam

    Umer replied 1 week, 2 days ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • The Concept Of Detachment Or Renunciation From This World

    Umer updated 1 week, 2 days ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • Ashif Ahmed

    Member February 4, 2025 at 3:52 am

    6. All i want is peace after my death and i saw everywhere most of the peoples are trapped in lies, backbiting, fawahish ,takabbur and may by my nafs can easily get attached to saar ( bad deeds) and for khair(good deeds) I want to follow the concept of detachment by the knowledge of Islam and quran to avoid dunyabi fitnah as much as possible

  • Umer

    Moderator February 4, 2025 at 4:00 pm

    The only thing that makes us accountable on the day of judgement is our ‘ikhlaaqi wajood’, for which basic potential has been given to every human being. The rest of the abilities (poetry, becoming scholar, getting married, having children etc.), have been left to the human intellect, and history tells that humans have used those skills appropriately in most of the cases. However, it is not a matter of accountability. In this context, a person is only given additional responsibility, if he/she consciously chooses to take that responsibility i.e. become a scholar of religion, for example. Not everyone goes to a forest to live there all alone because we have this innate urge within us to seek the world and gain success in this world, have a family and other social relationships etc. This world is instituted on the principle of tests and trials and it is an inevitable requirement of this scheme that a person should engage with the world and then polish their ‘ikhlaaqi wajood’ while engaging in this world. There can be no test without participation. Even if a person chooses not to marry and to not have children (which he can, although discouraged) then still the scheme of tests and trials will take its course through other means; even if a person chooses to live in isolation in a Jungle, He can escape from the test from one dimension but considering the uncountable dimensions of this test, He will be tested nevertheless.

    Therefore, it is recommended that a person should stick to the natural course of life which is more in line with their nature as a human being. Taking extraordinary steps like isolation, celibacy etc. may pose some attraction in the short-run, but they are more likely to cause damage than any benefit to the person.

    Regarding escaping from this life, please also refer to the video below from 3:13 to 7:55

  • Umer

    Moderator February 4, 2025 at 4:08 pm

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