Nikkah Without Parents Approval
Assalamualaikum Sir… Sir I’m in a big dilemma… Sir please tell me what to do and what is best…Sir I’m 26 yrs old… I like a girl… From 5 yrs…I was trying to convince my parents…Sir first they said that they will look into it when appropriate time will come…Now they have completely refused to agree…I have been trying to convince them in a peaceful way but 5 yrs have passed…The parents of the girl were also waiting since 5 yrs…They rejected many proposals but my parents are doing this to me…sir they are threatening and emotionally blackmailing me that they will disconnec their relations with me and will never talk to me and see my face…Sir what should I do… Alhamdulillah I am settled…I am an army officer serving in CMH Rawalpindi…We are not allowed to share personal relations and identity but sir this is my resort….Sir should I ignore my parents and marry that girl… Kindly sir any advice
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