After Death, Rooh Ka Libaas Kaisa Hota Hey?
Marney kay baad, Rooh ka Libaas kaisa hota hey?
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Marney kay baad, Rooh ka Libaas kaisa hota hey?
Iss sawal ka jawab hatmi taur par jannay ke liye tow shayad apni jaan se qeemat ada karni hogi. Magar sawal ye hai ke hamrae liye ye baat jaan-na kyun zaroori hai?
The word “Rooh” has been used in much broader sense in Quran. Its the same rooh called as Amar-e-Rabbi that takes the form of words and that of nafs sometimes. It belongs to Amoor-e-Mutashabibaat whose reaity we are unable to comprehend. Please refer to the Quranic verses attached in the following topic:
Once I establish that there is a God, through experience, inference and established history then I should learn about him and what he wants from me what I should do in order to be successful in this life and the hereafter, by reading His book. And that is enough for me. You have a right to voice your question but the point is since we have no guidance regarding it through the prophet (saw) so everybody will be assuming as per your question. Your question is based on an unnecessary issue. Let’s focus on what is more important!
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