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Understanding Quran By Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Posted by $ohail T@hir on July 4, 2020 at 8:03 pmUnderstanding Quran by Dr. Shehzad Saleem (@Seeker )- The Farahi Approach
Special thanks to @Sarmad for compiling the notes
$ohail T@hir replied 4 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
Understanding Quran By Dr. Shehzad Saleem
$ohail T@hir
Moderator July 4, 2020 at 8:09 pmSession 1
The Farahi Approach
- Language and Linguistics
- Context & Coherence
- Parallel Verses
- Final Authority
- The Final Testament
$ohail T@hir
Moderator July 4, 2020 at 8:13 pmSession 2
Segment-1: Pre-Revelatory Guidance
- Quran: (91:7-10)
- Quran: (76:3)
- Quran: (90:10)
Segment-2: Previous Scriptures
• Abraham’s Scripture
• Moses > Torah (Torat)
• David > Psalms (Zubboor)
• Jesus > Injeel
• Muhammad > Quran
》Fatiha in Bible (
• Torat: Exodus (34:6-7)
• Zuboor: (Psalm, 86)
• Injeel: Mathew (6:9-13)
》Ten Commandments (though differ in numbering)
》 Spending in Charity (
• Mathew (6:19-21)
》 The Greatest Commandment (
• Mathew (22:37-38)
》 Spiritual Existence (
• Mathew (4:4)
》 Fear of God (
• Mathew (10:28)
Segment-3: The Quranic Method: Reason or Dogma
• Quran (2:269)
• Quran (38:29)
• Quran (40:53-54)
$ohail T@hir
Moderator July 4, 2020 at 8:19 pmSession 3
Segment-1: Genre of the Quran
》Although Quran is unqiue in its style, the closest thing to the genre of Quran is dialogue between characters – as in a Shakespeare’s stage play.
》For the most part, there are 7 characters in Quran that interact with each other (important to keep these in mind while studying)
- Gabriel (AS)
- Prophet (SAW)
- Satan
- Believers
- Hypocrites
- Polytheists
- People of the Book (Jews & Christians)
》It is essential to determine the Primary Addresser & the Addressee of the Surah while reading i.e. who among these characters is speaking to whom.
》The sudden jumps & shifts between these characters must be carefully observed. It is due to these jumps that the reader may experience disjointedness.
》Characters & entities not present in 7th century Arabia are not discussed, thus no mention of people of Buddhism & Hinduism etc.
》Therefore it will contain many localized issues that relate only to the beliefs of 7th century Arabia. However, the lessons derived from these issues are relevant to all of mankind.
Segment-2: Names of Surahs
》Surahs are named after a specific incident within that Surah, it is part of the Surah but not the entire content. E.g. Baqarah is mentioned in only 3-4 ayats in Surah Al-Baqarah.
》Surahs are also named after Huroof-e-Muqatta’at – The alphabets at beginning of some Surahs.
》There are _29 Surahs in Quran that are named by Allah himself i.e. those named after Huroof-e-Muqatta’at e.g. Surah Taha.
Segment-3: Huroof-e-Muqatta’at
》Traditional View: We don’t know the meanings of these.
》Our View: We know something about them, these alphabets have origins in ancient Semantic languages like Hebrew, Aramaic etc & are names of things that are mentioned within the Surah, so they are related to the content of Surah in which they are used. E.g.
- Nun = Fish
- Ta = Serpent
- Alif = Cow
》We don’t know the meanings of all of them, but work is in progress.
$ohail T@hir
Moderator July 4, 2020 at 8:30 pmSession 4
- Prophetic Period
》 From Adam (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
》 We are living in post-Prophetic Period- Worldly Accountability
》 An individual’s accountability will be done in Judgement Day while accountability of nations as a whole is done within this world to serve as a reminder for us.
》 Quran uses a word for this worldly judgement “Sunnat-Ullah” (The Way of Allah).
》 The last time this worldly accountability was done was in Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) time.
- Topic of Quran
》 Thus the topic of the Quran is the chronicle description of the last worldly judgement of God that took place during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
》 Warning for all of us that there is a Day of Judgement for us the same way it took place for the nations before us within this world.
- Nabi vs Rasool
》 Nabi: No worldly judgement
》 Rasool: Implementation of worldly judgement
- Two Ways of Worldly Judgment in Prophetic Era
1. By Natural Calamities:
》 When Rasool and his followers are in minority and cannot migrate to a place where they can establish their political authority, they are separated from the rest of their nation and their nation is punished by natural calamities.
》 E.g. as in case of Aad & Samood etc.
2. By Military and Political Dominance/ Swords of the Believers
》 When Rasool and his followers are in majority and are able to migrate to a place where they can establish their political authority, they are not punished by natural calamities but instead by swords of the believers.
》 E.g. as in case of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Musa (AS) etc.
- Two Types of People who are given Punishment
1. Polytheists -> Are killed
2. Monotheists – People of the Book (Jews & Christians) -> not killed
》 They can live according to their faith
》 But will live as subservient to Islamic State
》 Have to pay Jizyah
》 E.g. followers of Isa/Jesus (AS)
》 That’s why Christians are not even once called as polytheists in Quran
》 Christians of Prophet’s time are not the same as Christians of today, so punishment and them being subservient was applicable only to those Jews and Christians. Cannot be applied to Jews and Christians of today.
》 Prophet (SAW) gave those punishments because He was directed by God to do so, we don’t have that authority.
- 10 Major Misplaced Directives caused by Misunderstanding of this concept
- Apostasy
- Global Dominance/Supremacy
- Zimmi Status (prisoners of war have lower status)
- Don’t start salutations with a Non-Muslim
- Don’t respond by Islamic greetings to a Non-Muslim (only say Wa-alaikum)
- Don’t pray for Non-Muslims
- Don’t pray Namaz-e-Janazah for Non-Muslims
- Prohibition of inheritance from Non-Muslim parents
- Prohibition of the entrance of Non-Muslims in Baytullah
- Assassination of Non-Muslims (Kill them wherever you find them)
For more details on these issues, refer to Dr. Shehzad Saleem’s Book “Playing God: Misreading a Divine Practice“
Sarmad Rasheed
Member July 9, 2020 at 6:18 pm** Session-5 Arrangement of the Quran (Summary) **
》Traditional View: Arrangement of the Quran was done by Sahaba, God has no role in it.
》Our View: Arrangement of the Quran was done by Almighty God himself and was not left to Sahaba.
● Quran is divided into 7 Chapters:
》Generally, the word chapters is used for Surahs. But we call Surahs by the same name i.e. Surah and Chapter is used in a different meaning (groups).
[O Prophet!] We have bestowed upon you seven mathānī which is the great Qur’ān. (15:87)
- ‘Mathani’ is plural of ‘Mathna’ which means “something that occurs in pairs”.
- So it means “seven chapters in which Surahs occur in pairs”.
》Traditional view is that this verse refers to Surah Fatiha, which is oft repeated and seven refers to the seven ayahs of Surah Fatiha.
》However there are two criticisms on this view:-
i. The verses of Surah Fatiha are not seven.
- Traditional scholars interpret it to be seven by either considering Bismillah as a verse or by excluding Bismillah but splitting the last verse into 2 parts, thus making it 7. This is not valid.
ii. The word ‘mathna’ does not mean oft repeated. It means ‘in pairs’.
Thus the verse (15:87) means “seven chapters in which Surahs occur in pairs”.
The seven chapters of Quran are as follows:-
1. Chapter-1: Sūrah al-Fātihah (1) – Sūrah al-Mā’idah (5)
- Makkan: 1
- Madinan: 2-5
2. Chapter-2: Sūrah al-An‘ām (6) – Sūrah al-Tawbah (9)
- Makkan: 6-7
- Madinan: 8-9
3. Chapter-3: Sūrah Yūnus (10) – Sūrah al-Nūr (24)
- Makkan: 10-23
- Madinan: 24
4. Chapter-4: Sūrah al-Furqān (25) – Sūrah al-Aḥzāb (33)
- Makkan: 25-32
- Madinan: 33
5. Chapter-5: Sūrah Sabā (34) – Sūrah al-Ḥujurāt (49)
- Makkan: 34-46
- Madinan: 47-49
6. Chapter-6: Sūrah Qāf (50) – Sūrah al-Taḥrīm (66)
- Makkan: 50-56
- Madinan: 57-66
7. Chapter-7: Sūrah al-Mulk (67) – Sūrah al-Nās (114)
- Makkan: 67-112
- Madinan: 113-114
》Every chapter always begins with a Makkan Surah and ends with a Madinan Surah.
》Both the Makkan and Madīnan sūrahs are in harmony and consonance with one another:
- Makkan Surahs are like the root.
- Madinan Surahs are like the stem and the branches.
》Within each chapter, the sequence of the sūrahs is chronological (historical) i.e. the Surah that was revealed first comes first, and that which was revealed later comes after.
》Each chapter discusses some aspect of the overall topic of the Qur’ān i.e. to deliver final warning of the Day of Judgement (discussed in Lecture-4).
》Each chapter has its own theme around which its sūrahs revolve.
》Sequence between the chapters is as follows:-
- Chapter-1 culminates at Chapter-2 (Addressee: People of the Book i.e. Jews & Christians)
- Chapter-(7 to 3) culminates at Chapter-2 in descending order (Addressee: Polytheists)
- Chapter-2 is in the middle and forms the central theme (Climax: Worldly Judgement of God)
Chapter-(1) –> Chapter-(2) <– Chapter-(7-3)
Jews & Christians –> Worldly Judgement of God <– Polytheists
Mohammad Yaseen
Contributor July 13, 2020 at 9:16 pmMost splendid work. Bravo!
$ohail T@hir
Moderator July 14, 2020 at 12:31 am** SESSION-6 COHERENCE IN THE QURAN (SUMMARY) **
》Each Sūrah of the Qur’ān is a coherent whole and a complete unit. Its verses are arranged in a specific sequence that has been Divinely Ordained (Tauqeefi) just as the sequence of Sūrahs has been divinely ordained.
》It is important to keep in mind the context of the verses, which are decisive in determining a specific meaning of a word out of all the different possible meanings. There are 3 steps which are to be followed:
i. Search for the meaning of the word, which usually has more than one meanings.
ii. The word has many meanings. But keeping in view the context, you pick a meaning that is suited to the sentence in which it is used.
iii. That sentence is then placed in a paragraph which has a context.
“There is no possibility of more than one interpretation in the Qur’ān” (Farāhī, Rasā’il fī ‘ulūm al-Qur’ān, 230)
Coherence in Quran:
1. Each Sūrah has a theme round which its contents revolve and make it into a unified whole. What the soul is to a body, the theme is to a Sūrah.
2. The content of a Sūrah in some cases can be divided into sections and paragraphs, and in other cases only in paragraphs.
- Paragraphs depict small shifts in the subject
- Sections depict larger shifts in the subject
》The basic building block of a Surah is a paragraph (Farahi School) instead of an Ayat (Imam Razi).
》There is an introduction and a conclusion. The verses of the introduction and of the conclusion also may at times be divided into paragraphs as per the subject.
3. These paragraphs and these sections relate to each other NOT through a verse to verse linear connection but through various literary devices like:-
- Parables
- Comparison or Parallelism
- Statements and passages which are conditional, parenthetical, inferential, modifying, cyclic OR
- Which signify corollaries, conclusions, questions or answers
》Two consecutive paragraphs may or may not be connected to each other, as in some cases, there are paragraphs of parables (Tamseel) in between. E.g. paragraph-1 may be connected to paragraph-2, which is 3 paragraphs down.
[Paragraph-1] — > Tamthīl-1 – – Tamthīl -2 – – Tamthīl -3 – – > [Paragraph-2]
》The brackets that we see in Ustadh Javed Ahmed Ghamidi’s translation (Al-Bayan) employ this principle no.3 without mentioning the technical terms.
4. The text of a Sūrah progresses through these paragraphs and sections and gradually reaches its culmination, thus becoming a complete and independent whole.
Examples of Verses Taken Out of Context:
- Al-An’aam (6:38) “We did not leave anything out of this book, then all will be gathered before their Lord”
- Al-A’raaf (7:204) “When the Qur’ān is read, listen to it with attention, and be silent that you may receive mercy”
Examples of Text Progression:
1. Parallelism (Taqabul):
In this type of linkage, verses which mention opposite things are placed adjacent to one another.
- Mention of Infāq (2:261-274) vs. interest (2:275-281)
- Fate of the believers (69:19-24) vs. Fate of disbelievers (69:25-37)
2. Affinity (Munasabah):
In this type of relationship, things which have a certain affinity to one another are placed adjacent to one another.
- Documentation of loans and transactions is mentioned (2:282) after a mention of interest (2:275-281). The reason obviously is that since interest is based on loan, its mention paved the way for certain directives regarding loan itself.
- Prohibition of liquor and gambling (2:219) are mentioned after directives about Infāq (spending on the poor) and Jihād (2:215-218).The reason is that in those times, liquor and gambling were a source of Infāq.
3. Parables (Tamthīl):
Parables help in drawing an illustration to what is mentioned in simple words.
- Verses (6-7) of Baqarah (Ch:2) mentions the diehards of the People of the Book who have persisted to deny the Qur’ān.
- Verses (8-16) of Baqarah (Ch:2) mentions the weak in faith of the People of the Book.
- Verses (17-20) of Baqarah (Ch:2) draw two parables of these two people.
4. Reminder and Admonition (Tadhkīr u Tanbīh):
For example,
- In between directives that relate to the reformation of the society, Muslims are reminded in An-Nisa (4:26) that they are being handed over the Sharī‘ah which was also given to the previous Prophets; so they should prove its worthy recipients.
- After that, those sections of the society which were resisting the new Sharī‘ah and the reformation it was suggesting, are admonished for this behavior in An-Nisa (4:27-8).
5. Return to the Origin (‘Awd alā al-bad‘):
Sometimes in a group of directives, important directives are placed both at the beginning and at the end.
- Tawḥīd (17:22 and 17:39) and Salāh (70:23 and 70:34)
Sarmad Rasheed
Member July 25, 2020 at 7:16 pm** SESSION-7 STYLISTICS OF THE QURAN (SUMMARY) **
• Segment-1: Multiple Addresses
• Segment-2: Shift in Address
• Segment-3: Indirect Address
Segment-1: Multiple Addresses
》 O Joseph, ignore this! [O Zulaykhah], ask forgiveness for your sin, for truly you have been at fault! (12:29)
Joseph (AS) --> Zulaykhah
》 And before you too We had sent men as messengers to whom We would send revelations. So, ask these recipients of the reminder. We had sent them with proofs and with Books if you do not know. And now We have revealed this reminder to you so that you may mention to these people what has been revealed to them and so that they may deliberate. (16:43-44)
Prophet (SAW) --> Idolaters --> Prophet (SAW)
》 [O Prophet!] We have indeed sent you as a witness, a deliverer of glad tidings and as a warner so that you [O Believers!] may believe in God and His Prophet and that you may assist and honour him and celebrate His [the Almighty’s] praises morning and evening. Those who are pledging a covenant with you [O Prophet!] are indeed pledging it with you. The hand of God is over theirs. (48:8-10)
Prophet (SAW) --> Muslims --> Prophet (SAW)
Segment-2: Shift in Address
a) From Indirect to Direct
i. Picturization:
》 As reward for their deeds is a house of peace for them with their Lord and He is their protector. Bear in mind the day, when He will gather all these [wrongdoers, and will then say:] “O group of Jinn! You have led away many from mankind.” And their companions from humankind will immediately say: “Lord, we have thoroughly benefited from one another and [today] we have reached the time you had prescribed for us … God will say: “Now, fire is your abode; you will abide in it forever except what God wills. Indeed, your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (6:127-128)
Indirect --> Direct
》 We have tied the fate of each person with his neck, and on the Day of Judgement We will bring forth a register which he will find open right before him. Here it is. “Read your account of deeds. Today you yourself are sufficient to take your own account.” (17:13-14)
Indirect --> Direct
ii. Expression of Wrath and Anger
》 They say: “The merciful God has children.” Very grave is this statement you have given. It may well be that because of this the heavens tear apart, the earth is rent asunder and the mountains collapse to fall down that people have ascribed children to the merciful God. (19:88-92)
Indirect --> Direct --> Indirect
iii. Expression of Honour and Respect
》The righteous, however, shall be in gardens and bliss, enjoying what their Lord has blessed them with and that their Lord has preserved them from the torment of Hell. “Now eat and drink with relish as reward for the deeds you have been doing.” (52:17-19)
Indirect --> Direct
》The God-fearing today will be amid shades and springs and the fruits they desire – “Eat and drink with relish for the deeds you had been doing.” Thus do We reward the well-doers. (77:41-44)
Indirect --> Direct
b) From Direct to Indirect
i. Expression of Unworthiness:
》The directive of God has been pronounced. So, do not seek to hasten it. He is pure and exalted from the things which they associate with Him. (16:1)
Direct --> Indirect
》 The Tell them: “Just take a look at your associates that you call upon besides God. Show me what they have made in this earth? Or do they have any share in making the heavens? Or have We given them a Book so that they have a clear proof of this? Certainly not! In fact, these wrongdoers are only making promises of deceptive things with one another.” (35:40)
Direct --> Indirect
ii. Expression of a General Principle:
》 It is God alone Who makes you travel by land and by sea until when you are in a ship and the ships are sailing while taking along people in favorable winds and people are happy at this, suddenly a strong wind blows over it and waves begin to rise on the voyagers of the ship from all sides and they know that they have been caught in a storm. At that time, they call God in sincere obedience: “If you deliver us from this, we shall certainly be among the grateful.” (10:22)
Direct --> Indirect
Segment-3: Indirect Address
a) The Prophet (SAW) is addressed / actual addressees are his opponents.
》 These Jews and Christians shall never be pleased with you unless you adopt their faith. [So,] say: “God’s guidance is the only real guidance,” and [you should know that] if after the knowledge that has come to you, you yield to their desires, you will not have any friend against God or anyone to help you (2:120)
》 We have revealed to you this Book with the truth so that by that which God has shown you, you may decide between people [as to who is sincere and who is a hypocrite among them] and come what may do not advocate these who break promises. (4:105)
》 We Even though [O Messenger!] this revelation has been sent to you as well and to those also who were before you: “If you adopt polytheism, your deeds will not bear fruit and you will definitely end up in loss. (39:65)
b) The Prophet (SAW) is addressed / actual addressees are Muslims.
》 O Prophet (SAW)! When you Muslims divorce women, divorce them at their ‘iddah and count [accurately] their ‘iddah. (65:1)
》 O Prophet (SAW)! Call to the path of your Lord with wisdom and with sound advice and reason with them in a courteous manner. Surely, your Lord knows full well who has drifted from the path of his Lord and also knows very well those also who are guided. If you people seek revenge [at some instance] only seek it commensurate with what you have been inflicted with; yet if you show patience, then this is a lot better for those who show patience. [O Prophet!] Show patience – and you can acquire this patience only through a relationship with God – and do not grieve on them and do not fret over the schemes. (16:125-126)
》 And when you see people criticizing Our revelations, withdraw from them till they engage in other talk. And if ever Satan makes you forget this, do not sit with these wrongdoers as soon as you realize the mistake. Those who fear God are in no way accountable for these people. However, reminding them is mandatory upon them so that they also become fearful. (6:68-69)
Sarmad Rasheed
Member August 3, 2020 at 7:02 pm** SESSION-8 STYLISTICS OF THE QURAN PART-2 (SUMMARY) **
Topics: (Continued…)
• Segment-2: Parenthetical Sentences (Jumulah Mu‘taraḍah)
• Segment-3: Insertion (Taḍmīn)
• Segment-4: Specific Connotation by Alif Lām (Takhṣīṣ)
Segment-2: Parenthetical Sentences (Jumulah Mu‘taraḍah)
Usually a comment in between the sentence
》 Then when she delivered the child, she said: “Lord, I have given birth to a daughter” – and God well knew of what she had delivered – and [said:] “That boy would not have been like this girl. And I have named her Mary and I give her and her progeny in your refuge from Satan, the Accursed One.” (3:36)
》 And if they break their oath after their pledge and find blame in your religion, wage war against these leaders of disbelief – their words and promises are baseless – so that they abstain. (9:12)
Challenge Verse: Surah An-Nisa – verse about Isa’s (AS) crucifixion
Segment-3: Insertion (Taḍmīn)
An insertion by Allah Ta’lla in which He quotes someone’s words by making a part of his own speech & adds His own words (technical term: Shaan-e-Qalam)
》 And We gave this wisdom to Luqmān also: “Be grateful to God – and he who is grateful, will be grateful for his own self and he who is ungrateful, God is self-sufficient; He has praiseworthy attributes. Recall when Luqmān, while counseling his son, had said: “Son! Do not associate partners with God. In reality, polytheism is a great injustice.”
[Now Allah Ta’lla adds His own words]
<i style=””>– We have also counseled a man about his parents. His mother kept him in her womb tolerating pain after pain and [after birth] it took two years for his weaning. Be grateful to Me and to your parents and to Me is the return. But if they force you to associate someone with Me about which you have no proof, do not obey them. However, treat them kindly and follow the way of those who turn to Me. Then you will have to return to Me. Then I will inform you of what you have been doing –
[Now Allah Ta’lla quotes Luqman again]
– [Luqmān had said:] “Son! The fact is that if a deed is equal to a grain of a mustard seed, then whether it is in a valley or in the heavens or in the earth, God will retrieve it. Indeed God is discerning; He is aware of everything. Son! Be diligent in the prayer, urge what is good and forbid and whatever calamity strikes you, remain steadfast. It is because these are the tasks which have been emphasized. (31:12-17)
It should be noted here that there is double dialogue going on. So there’s a dialogue within a dialogue.
• One dialogue with the 7th century polytheists.
• 2nd dialogue happening between Luqman and his sons, in a way that it seems it’s happening right in front of us (or in front of those 7th century Arabs)
》And if you ask them: “Who has made the heavens and the earth?” they will surely say: “God, the powerful, the knowledgeable has made them.”
[Now starts Tadmin i.e. Allah Ta’lla adds His own words]
– [He] Who made the earth a cradle for you and traced out paths in it for you so that you find the way. And He Who sent down water from the heavens in a certain measure; then through it We gave a new life to a dead land. In the same manner, you too will be brought out of the graves. And He Who has created all these things of various sort and made ships and beasts for you on which you embark so that you may mount on their backs with ease; then when you sit on them with ease, remember the favour of your Lord and say: “Exalted is the being who has put them to our service. We were not capable of bringing them into our control. Certainly, we have to return to our Lord.”
[Now back to topic again]
– They have made some servants of God as His part. In reality, a human being is blatantly ungrateful. Has He chosen daughters for Himself from among His creation and has blessed you with sons? (43:9-16)
Challenge Verse: Surah Nuh– verse about Nuh’s (AS) Dua
Difference between Parenthetical Sentences (Jumulah Mu‘taraḍah) and Insertion (Tadmin):
Both are additions inside a sentence but the difference is that:
• Jumulah Mu‘taraḍah — > comment on previous sentence
• Tadmin — > carries the conversation forward
Segment-4: Specific Connotation by Alif Lām (Takhṣīṣ)
a) Example-1: Man (al-Insan)
i. Category-1
》We have directed man to treat his parents with kindness but if they force you to associate someone with Me of which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them. (29:8)
》Say to My servants that they should say those things that are best. Indeed, Satan does sow dissension among them. Surely, Satan is an avowed enemy of man. (17:53)
In both of these verses, Shan-e-Qalam tells us that the word Insan is used generically for all humans.
ii. Category-2
》We had created man with a stinking mud that rings. (15:26)
》We created man from the essence of clay. (23:12)
In both of these verses, the word Insan is used specifically for first two humans that were created i.e. Adam and Eve (because humans of today are created in wombs, not from clay).
iii. Category-3
》We Man says: “What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised to life?” (19:66)
》God it is Who created the heavens and the earth and sent down water from the sky. Then through it bore various fruits for your sustenance and put the ship to your service that it may sail in the sea at His bidding and He put the seas to your service and the sun and the moon also; both are moving continuously. Similarly, the day and night also He put to your service and has given you from everything you asked for. If you would like to count the favours of God, you will not be able to count them. In reality, man is very unjust and very ungrateful. (14:32-34)
In both of these verses, the word Insan refers specifically to Polytheists of Arabia and not all humans, all of us do not say this.
The word “Zuloom” in the verse is another indication that it refers specifically to polytheists of Arabia.
b) Example-2: “O you who believe” (Yā ayyuhalladhīn āmanu/ Mu’minīn)
i. Category-1
》Believers! Obey the directive of God and His Messenger and let not your deeds go waste. There is no doubt that those who denied and stopped [people] from God’s path, then died in this state of denial, God will certainly not forgive them. So, do not show weakness and do not invite [them now] to reconciliation and you alone will be dominant. (47:33-35)
》So do not lose heart, nor grieve: for you are bound to be victorious if you are believers. (3:139)
In both of these verses, the word Yā ayyuhalladhīn āmanu/ Mu’minīn is used specifically for Sahaba (Companions) & does not apply to all of Muslims (also related to the concept of Itmam-e-Hujjat discussed in earlier lectures).
ii. Category-2
》O you who believe! Enter into Islam completely; and do not follow the footsteps of Satan because he is your avowed enemy. (2:208)
》O you who believe! Do not befriend the disbelievers rather than believers: do you wish to offer God an open proof against yourselves? (4:144)
In both of these verses, the word Yā ayyuhalladhīn āmanu/ Mu’minīn is used specifically for Munafiqeen (Hypocrites) because Sahaba had already believed, so why would Allah tell them “to believe?”
iii. Category-3
》 O you who believe! Take not My enemies and yours as friends. (60:1)
》 O Believers! Obey God and obey the Messenger, and do not let your labours go waste. (47:33)
In both of these verses, the word Yā ayyuhalladhīn āmanu/ Mu’minīn is used specifically for Muslims of weak Iman (faith) & not to all Muslims.
Challenge Verse: Surah Anfal – verse about spoils of war where Allah is admonishing
iv. Category-4
》O you who believe! Do not give preference to your opinion over the opinion of God and His messenger and keep fearing God. Indeed, He hears and knows all. (49:1)
In this verse, the word Yā ayyuhalladhīn āmanu/ Mu’minīn is used specifically for Bedouins who had newly converted seeing the political power of Muslims.
v. Category-5
》Then in their footsteps, We sent more of Our messengers and also sent Jesus son of Mary in their footsteps and gave Him the Gospel and put compassion and mercy in the hearts of his followers. But monasticism, they invented themselves. We did not make it obligatory upon them; however, we did make it obligatory upon them to seek God’s pleasure; but they did not faithfully observe its bounds as they should have. However, those among them who adhered to faith, We gave them their reward, but most of them turned out to be disobedient. O you who believe! Have fear of God and profess faith in His Messenger the way it should be professed. God will grant you a double share from His mercy and provide you a light with which you will walk [on the Day of Judgement] and will forgive you. God is very Forgiving and Merciful. (57: 27-28)
In this verse, the word Yā ayyuhalladhīn āmanu/ Mu’minīn is used for Christians!
c) Example-3: “The Earth” (al-Arḍ)
i. Category-1
》 [Joseph] said: “Make me in charge of the earth’s treasures. I will indeed guard them and am the one who has knowledge.” (12:55)
In this verse, the word (al-Arḍ) is used specifically for this land’s treasure i.e. Egypt & not all of the Earth.
ii. Category-2
》Do they not see that We gradually reduce the earth from its borders? (13:41)
In this verse, the word al-Arḍ means the land of Makkah & not all of the Earth.
iii. Category-3
》The punishments of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to spread disorder in the land are to execute them in an exemplary way or to crucify them or to amputate their hands and feet from opposite sides or to banish them from the earth. Such is their disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom except those who repent before you overpower them; you should know that God is Forgiving, Ever Merciful. (5:33-34)
In this verse, the word al-Arḍ (banish them from the Earth) means (banish from) their own land i.e. their country & not the Earth, that would not make sense.
$ohail T@hir
Moderator August 3, 2020 at 10:14 pmThank you @Sarmad sb, really appreciate it!
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