Born Muslims Have Unfair Advantage?
Don’t people born in Muslims families have an unfair advantage over those born in non Muslim families?
For example, a common person born in a muslim family believes in Allah because he is taught that in his childhood. He firmly believes it to be True and never bothers to study other religions in his life time thinking those are false. He is basically following what he found his ancestors to be following. But since, he believes in Allah, he is not a Mushrik, and also belives in Prophet Muhammad.
Similar is the behavior of a common person raised in a non-muslim family. Most of the people don’t bother to study other religions thinking that the religous beliefs of their parents are the right ones.
So, the question is, the behavior of common people is the same in all religions. Then, isn’t a person born in a muslim family having an unfair advantage over non-muslims since he is not committing shirk and believes in Prophet Muhammad which are necessary conditions for maghfirat?
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