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Forums › Forums › Youth And Islam › School Curriculum Of Evolution
Do any of these pages clash with Islamic principles? The common ancestor theory is taken as a given here- is that true? If i have to write proofs or take it as a fact when writing in my exams will I be sinful?
I don’t see any problem with that.
Even all coming from a common ancestor? This also raises a question did humans come from just one pair or were there many pairs that came from the earth?
Does this theory go against the Quranic narrative? Could all life have come from a single cell?
What I meant was that there is no sin in you presenting it as being taught in School for Exams.
But wouldn’t I be perhaps going against God and his clear teachings for a worldly gain?
I think you’re over-thinking this matter. You have understood the message of God and this is what God wants. Those Quranic verses are not verse on faith, they are verses of God’s signs and they are prone to our interpretation and understanding as well. You will not be doing anything against your basic faith.
I do think I’m splitting hairs here too. Just to confirm- me saying common ancestry is a fact when the Quran seemingly clashes with it is fine?
Common ancestry is there, but Quran has a different notion of this common ancestry.
Its fine, there is no bar on you to study a different point of view and if during that study you have to take exams in accordance with that point of view, then it is just an exam to portray whether you’ve understood their point of view correctly or not, it is by no means a confession of your religious faith.
Thanks so much!
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by Muhammad Faisal Haroon
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