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Forums › Forums › Islamic Sharia › Forced Policing – Hijab For Women
Kindly explain is it right according to our religious teaching that a bank enforced a rule for women to wear hijab and loose clothing?
Every organization has the right to enforce rules within the organization, including a dress code. If the employees don’t like the dress code then they can either try to convince the management of their preference, or quit the job. There’s nothing forced in this situation, and I don’t see anything against the teachings of Islam.
No but there is enforcement in it. Gamidi sb is against forced enforcement of any kind of teaching of Islam i am asking in that context
Okay I understand the confusion. The bank example you shared above is in reference to a private organization, and my response was in that context.
What Ghamidi sahab talks about is in reference to a state, and that is absolutely correct in the light of the Quran.
Even at the state level, an entity can enforce dress code or a uniform. For example, the police department has a specific uniform for their employees, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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by Muhammad Faisal Haroon
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