Hazrat Suliman (As) And The Most Powerful Kingdom In The World
Assalamualikum, I have been listing to Sheikh imran hosein and I have learned a lot from his research , but I am confused in one interpretation regarding Hazrat Suliman (AS) seeing a jasad on the throne and then making dua for a kingdom no one was given . According to Sheikh Imran hosein it was a glimpse of dajjal and his coming kingdom of great scientific powers and control over world. And suliman (AS)’s prevented him from getting a kingdom like his . But if we see currently the power of modern technology is way beyond any comparison with that time and more powerful than which Hazrat suliman (AS) had. So what was that jasad and why was he shown to prophet suliman and why he made that specific dua afte seeing that jasad ?. Can I get the answer from Javed ghamidi Sahb please .
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