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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran Understanding

  • Quran Understanding

    Posted by Mian Talha Kamal on November 17, 2020 at 5:14 am

    According Farahi school of thought,understanding Quran does not depend on any other source outside of Quran. But to understand the language Arabic of that time and the soul and structure of the words used in Quran, one has to go through Arabic of that time when Quran was revealed. And the only source to know that is Arabic used in hadeeth books. So does it not mean that Understanding of Quran indirectly depends on the hadith and other books???

    Umer replied 4 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Quran Understanding

    Umer updated 4 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • Mohammad Yaseen

    Contributor November 17, 2020 at 5:40 am

    Please see the link below for explanation of Arabic of the Quran.

    Preamble / Principles of Understanding the Qur’an / Appreciation of Classical Arabic!/mizan/5aa6a4315e891e8f44a45788?chapterNo=0&subChapterNo=0&subChsecNo=0&lang=en

  • Mohammad Yaseen

    Contributor November 17, 2020 at 5:48 am

    Poetry and Hadith are some of the sources of learning the Arabic of the Quraish.

    There is a subtle difference between understanding the Qur’ān and understanding the language. For example, understanding the language of the jahiliyah doesn’t mean Qur’ān is dependent on jahiliya. That would be an absurd statement.

    • A Hasan

      Contributor November 17, 2020 at 9:09 am

      The understanding of the Quran, however, would be dependent on the language of jahiliyyah and understanding it. And to my knowledge that language is not spoken today so OP’s question is valid to ask that the understanding depends on understanding the language from other books

    • Mohammad Yaseen

      Contributor November 17, 2020 at 9:53 am

      The subtle difference is paramount to understand.

      The Arabic (language) of the Qur’ān is dependent on certain external sources. It is only a dependency as far as the meaning of a word is concerned.

      Qur’ān is not a book of language, rather it is book of ideas, concepts, philosophy, instruction etc. These constructs are dependent on the context of the words used. The concept is its own. It expresses religion by using the language of the Quraish, this doesn’t mean that it also depends on the constructs or concepts of the Quraish, that they arrive at, with the use of words of Arabic.

      Like wise, the Ahadith are used to learn a language and they don’t carry an independent source of religion in them. When we say that the Qur’ān is indirectly dependent on the Ahadith, what we are trying to say is that the Qur’ān needs the Ahadith to express is constructs. Indirectly, trying to show that Qur’ān cannot be understood without the concepts derived from Ahadith.

      What Farahi school of understanding is saying is that the concepts of the Qur’ān come from Allah although they are expressed in the language of the Jahiliya period. The dependency is on the words and their meanings not on the concept or construct derived from the organization of those words in a sentence.

      As I am writing this in English, I am expressing a philosophy, an understanding, although I am dependent on the words of the language but I am not dependent on Shakespeare’s philosophy or concept.

      I hope it is clear by now.

  • Mohammad Yaseen

    Contributor November 17, 2020 at 5:54 am

    For a detailed discussion watch the playlist below.

  • Umer

    Moderator November 17, 2020 at 4:50 pm

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