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  • Incremental Knowledge

    Posted by Adeel Zafar on November 24, 2020 at 3:56 am


    I have heard from several ulma that the time period of sahaba was the best and whoever is closer to the time period of Nabi SAWW are more better in knowledge. However, in different other knoweldge areas such as science, we keep on improving our understanding and we came up with new discoveries. So if someone suggests a novel understanding of some aspects of Deen and it contradicts with the ulma of past, why we don’t accept their views?

    ودود replied 4 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Incremental Knowledge

  • Faisal Haroon

    Moderator November 24, 2020 at 10:50 am

    It’s not correct to draw parallels between science and religion in this regard.

    Science is a knowledge of discovery of this universe. As we continue on the path of this discovery, our ideas are bound to evolve.

    Religion, on the other hand, is about a news of an incident that’s about to take place – the day of judgement. It addresses what will happen after death and how we should prepare for it. The knowledge of religion was last given to the humankind by prophet Muhammad SAW, so it’s fair to think that those who were the closest to him understood it the best.

    There are, however, natural differences amongst sahaba, but our aim should be to try to best establish what prophet SAW gave people as religion, understand it in light of the Quran, and sincerely adopt it as our viewpoint and practice.

  • Umer

    Moderator November 24, 2020 at 7:15 pm

    Please see this as well:

    Discussion 6753 • Reply 26334

  • ودود

    Member November 26, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    Prophet Muhammad SA was the source of deen. Contents of deen and its understanding are two different things. If someone come up with new contents of deen and claim those are from the Prophet SA we cannot accept it.

    However if someone come up with a new interpretation of the same ancient contents of deen we can accept it. Thats because the modern understanding of the contents is based on a combined mind power of all those scholars who worked on it since the very beginning and connected the dots based on not only each others work but also in context of scientific discoveries.

    Some of the historical interpreter of Quran thought the earth was flat so they interpreted some verses as if those were supporting the flat earth belief. The modern interpreters were able to understand those verses much better in the light of new scientific discoveries and established facts.

    The understanding of Sahaba RA was mainly based on the questions they asked on Quran and not all answers were captured in writing but whatever is available in Ahadiths, all good scholars still refer them and benefit from their understanding and if they have to deviate they have a good reason for that e g the source of narrative is not authentic or it is incomplete, out of context etc.

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