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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Shouldn't Similar Methods Of Compilation Require Similar Attitudes Towards Them?

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  • Shouldn't Similar Methods Of Compilation Require Similar Attitudes Towards Them?

    Posted by Muhammad Hadi Hassan on December 7, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    Mercy of God be upon all,

    During todays study of the Quran, I was struck by this thought that wouldn’t let me continue any further.

    Aside from it being a scrutinized source of history, rulings are not deducted directly from Ahadith because they are just human efforts to preserve the sayings of the Prophet (Pbuh). Even if a Hadith is declared ‘Sahih’, at the end of the day it’s just high probability that the specific Hadith is something that can be attributed to the Prophet himself.

    So here’s whats in my mind right now, wasn’t the compilation of Quran an human effort too? Ignoring the fact that The Book itself affirms it being true.

    Its just a small thought, doesn’t matter alot but, it’s gonna be bothersome not having a right enough answer for this.

    May Allah reward whoever replies/contributes…

    Muhammad Hadi Hassan replied 3 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies

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