Quran’s Advice For Difficult Situations
I am quite confused regarding current world , daily i see corruption, injustice, oppression going on , Alhamdulilah i am personaly and family wise safe from these things because of help of ALLaH , but i was shown how i can be touched by them and sort of just Saw these things from a distance , but still powerless to do any thing about it .
When might is right , and poor has no where to go , is this the time that in ahadeeth we are advised to go towards mountains and away from this oppression , it looks like people have lost thier minds and there is just money and money by haram methods, and making the lives of others painful for selfish reasons , how should we proceed , should we migrate to someother land , if where should one migrate to , because these things are in muslim countries , and in europe there is danger of violence towards muslims , what should one do in light of Quran and sunnah.
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