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Why Did Allah Command Us To Pray
Posted by Zayf Shakir on March 28, 2021 at 1:28 pmAssalamualaikum, i want to know why does Allah commands us in Quran to pray? And for those who don’t pray why is there punishment? Like i want to know why is there punishment anyway? Punishment for rapist, murderer and thief is understandable but punishment for those who don’t observe fasts or pray? Someone please explain it to me logically. Please!
P.S (Allhamdullilah i do pray and keep fasts but i never understood the point of it)
Mohammed Zubair Alam replied 3 years ago 5 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
Why Did Allah Command Us To Pray
Muhammed Adil
Member March 28, 2021 at 2:04 pmWa aleikum assalam
Allah is our creater and lord, we have been given the blessing of prayer, so that we keep bowing down before Allah and give thanks to the blessings given to us, these prayers are for the fasting and worship of Allah, if we not thank to Allah, then obviously our boss will punish us. You tell yourself if you take good care of your slave for eating and something, but he don’t take care of you, then will you keep the same statement with him or punish him on his accounts, that you Gave him so much and he is disrespectful to you. In the same way, this prayer is for the remembrance of Allah and Venus that we have a lord, each breath of ours is obedient to the command of that Allah, we are praying for his thankfulness.
Zayf Shakir
Member June 28, 2021 at 7:40 amOkay so as far as I understood you said that out of gratitude we pray five times and observe fasts. But why do we have to express our gratitude in a certain fixed way? Can’t we just feel gratitude? I mean Allah knows everything so He will definitely know his creation is being thankful to Him. Why to pray five times a day in a certain language?
I hope i made myself clear this time!
Moderator June 28, 2021 at 7:56 amFor comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please refer to the video below from 00:58 to 12:25
Alternative Link: ilm-o-Hikmat 18-04-2021
Member June 28, 2021 at 9:35 amI didn’t get it due to the difficult vocabulary so please sir can you explain in your own words
Moderator June 29, 2021 at 5:28 amOnce human beings realize the existence of a creator and etablish a conscious realtionship with Him, they have this innate need within themselves to express gratitude to the Almighty, just the way they have the same need w.r.t their other relations like with parents, siblings, teachers etc. But in case of the Creator, humans have no possible way of knowing how exctly should we express our gratitude to Him and in what way would it be acceptable to us, and in the absence of any such divine guidance, there was a great chance that human beings would’ve come up with ways that would infact result in some kind of polythestic activity or the differences would be so huge that they would’ve infact countered the whole purpose of Ibadah to begin with. That is why the same has been revealed by the God Himself and some of it has been mandated both to complement the first reason and secondly as a way to stay reminded of the true path continuously as to avoid any risk of deviation.
Zayf Shakir
Member August 31, 2021 at 3:21 amAs you said Namaz is a way to express our gratitude but as we are aware of the fact that we are not thankful to creator everytime! We thank him only when we are happy or get something. If i get a lot of money then out of gratitude to the creator I’ll just give money to poor and thank Him. I mean there are ways to express gratitude so i don’t think thats one of the purposes of namaz.
Moderator August 31, 2021 at 4:30 amIt is an expression of our association with the creator. Being His creation, we need a way to associate with Him (both psychologically and emotionally) whether the times are good or not. Sometimes to stay steadfast on the right path (to ask for patience and help) and other times as a token of gratitude. Irrespective of the fact the times are good or not, we need a direct way to associate with the creator, and a way to do that is Salah, as taught by the creator Himself through his prophets.
Zayf Shakir
Member September 2, 2021 at 2:42 amBut than it has to be in my native language. Because when i say something in Arabic my subconscious mind doesn’t get an image or feeling about what i say. While when i say something in my native language i can literally feel. I hope you understand what i am saying. Why is language so important? Why is Arabic so important?
Moderator September 2, 2021 at 3:37 amAll the prayers (dua) in Salah can be said in one’s native language except for Quran in Qiyam; as Quran is Arabic and no translation can replace it as being Quran.
Zayf Shakir
Member September 2, 2021 at 3:40 amThat completely makes sense! Thank you so much 🙂
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member January 11, 2022 at 6:21 amI also have the same questiosn but now I got it.
One more question which I have is why Allah gave us different rakats for each time?
I mean I got the point that Allah made a certain way to show gratitude and also to avoid any deviation towards polytheism but why different rakats for each time. It could be 2 rakats for 5 times or 4 rakats.
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member January 11, 2022 at 6:35 amI used to have the same question.*
Moderator January 12, 2022 at 1:51 amPlease refer to the following responses:
Moderator September 2, 2021 at 3:37 amPlease also refer to the video below from 1:21:11 to 1:23:42
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member February 2, 2022 at 11:25 pmOne thing I haven’t understood yet. Why their is hell for intentionally not Praying Salah?. What do you mean by intentionally?.
I mean Salah is their to show gratitude. Why Allah wants to be praised?.
I have understood that If a person develops a strong relationship he will automatically thank allah and will pray salah .
If I do some good to anyone , should I expect him to show gratitude towards me?. Okay It’s a human nature to expect. But If he doesn’t show gratitude so shall I give him punishment for not showing gratitude towards me?.
This is same like doing goodness to hear praise and indirectly forcing the other to show gratitude.
My Question is Why allah told to pray Salah?.
If the answer is to show “gratitude” then why there is hell for not praying Salah?.
Then the gratitude will be changed into praying Salah to avoid serious sin or indirectly hell?
Mohammed Zubair Alam
Member February 4, 2022 at 2:23 pmCan someone explain it to me. It’s really disturbing me.
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