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Darwin's Theory Of Evolution
Posted by Ayaan Sabir Abbasi on March 30, 2021 at 3:17 amI wanted to ask Javed Ahmad Ghamidi’s view about Darwin’s Theory of Evolutin and how he views scholar’s criticism on, and rejection of, this theory.
Faisal Haroon replied 2 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Darwin's Theory Of Evolution
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 30, 2021 at 9:02 amPlease see the following for details of Ghamidi sahab’s view:
The Quran on Human Evolution - Insights From Javed Ahmed Ghamidi | Dr. Junaid Hassan
Hammad Khan
Member June 17, 2022 at 8:29 amSalam,
I just searched for this but the article is missing. Can someone please forward it to me?
Thank you,
Moderator June 17, 2022 at 8:38 amPlease refer to the following Alternative Link:
THE QURAN ON HUMAN EVOLUTION: Insights from Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Please also refer to the following for Understanding of Ghamidi Sahab’s take on Theory of Evolution:
Hammad Khan
Member June 17, 2022 at 12:26 pmThank you for your prompt response.
So does that mean that what Dr Israr also says that we evolved from beast to human. Its not that Allah sent Adam and Eve from heavens. Sorry for such a basic question as I asked this to a place i go for Friday prayer they believe literally. Adam was sent to Sri Lanka and eve was in Iraq. And then they lived 130yrs and there lived until 40000 deselcendents and so on and on….
Thank you.
Moderator June 18, 2022 at 6:47 amThat is correct. Human creation can be divided into three distinct phases as understood by Ghamidi Sahab from Quran:
1) First phase is when the physical form of a human being was created. The same method was adopted for it which is now adopted for the creation of a human being. The only difference is that the process that now goes on in a mother’s womb went on in the earth’s womb. Thus all the ingredients of clay which are consumed by us as food and transform into an insignificant fluid and initiate the process through which a human being is created went through this process at that time in stinking clay. Finally, when the physical being was completed, the clay became dry like the shell of an egg. Once it rent apart, a creature came out of it which can be called the physical form of a human being. It can be analogously understood that the first borns of all other creatures came into being in precisely this way.
2) Second phase is in which the creature created began reproducing and bringing its progeny into existence. Thus the very process which went on in the womb of the earth then began to happen in the womb of the mother. This was the phase of a human being when it was an unreformed corporal existence devoid of intellect and knowledge.
3) Third phase is in which after an intermingling of many generations the corporal form was perfected until it became apt for giving it the personality of a human being. Thus two individuals from among these creatures which were present at that time were selected and this personality was given to them through a dilute breath which the Quran calls ruh. These were Adam (sws) and Eve. All human beings born after them were their progeny.
Abdul Sattar Ahmed
Member November 3, 2022 at 10:28 amI’m not a biologist or anything but Its commonly understood by evolutionary scientist and perhaps “popular science” that first living creature was a simple celled organism in water (amoeba perhaps) that over time branches out to different fish species each which branched out to different amphibian species which each branched out to reptiles which each branched out into birds and mammals (including monkeys and primates) and then monkey/primates evolved to different human species around the world ( neanderthals, homo sapeans to name a few human species) Out of all human species only homo sapeans have survived until today.
think Dr.Ghamidis view does sound more scientific/rational than the view of creating Adam (As) and his wife (AS) from clay statues and blowing rooh into them however on the other hand it’s clearcut that it rejects the prognency chain of simple celled life to fish to amphibian to reptile to primate to human view ,which is the common view taught in universities in biology & anthropology courses and accepted by scientists (Dawkins etc) and which According to them is “FACT” where experts in the field commonly refer to monkeys and other primates as our “Cousins”
Just curious as to how in light of scientific and empirical evidence how Ghamidi Sahib’s view on origin of mankind stands in comparison to the one I mentioned above?
Faisal Haroon
Moderator November 3, 2022 at 11:21 amThe “tree of life” as it is generally portrayed to be a fact is essentially still a hypothetical idea. Please see my responses in the following discussion for details:
For Ghamidi sahab’s understanding please watch:
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