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  • Acting Career And Its Limits

    Posted by Daniyaa Khan on May 20, 2021 at 3:43 pm


    Hoping you all are doing well.

    I wanna know about something

    I Live in Korea and I’m a muslim so recently I get an offer for a show and I have to give an audition in a couple of days so the thing I wanna know is if I got selected so I will not do anything wrong not gonna do any inappropriate act or scene which is against my religion but if the other person in the show get a role which has act of korean religion or that kind of inappropriate scenes so can i do my part?? Because I know my role my limits that’s why I want an answer from the session that occurs on your forum.

    I heard this scholar from some of my friends so can anyone forward my question so that can be asked in the Question Answer session.

    Please Let me know

    I don’t want to know people’s personal opinion and perception on it that’s why i asked here


    Umer replied 5 months ago 3 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Acting Career And Its Limits

    Umer updated 5 months ago 3 Members · 11 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator May 20, 2021 at 5:51 pm

    What one person does or is supposed to do has no bearing on other person’s acts. As long as one is himself/herself not involved in any immoral activity, there is nothing wrong with pursuing acting as a career.

    Since this matter has been discussed by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi on many occasions, you may want to refer to the following responses in this regard:

    Discussion 45655 • Reply 45656

    Discussion 45655 • Reply 49319

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member May 22, 2021 at 3:48 pm

    Ok then Let me please ask one more thing which came into my mind after hearing the answer which is playing character of non muslim etc is not haram because you are just playing a character. So If a woman plays a character of a prostitute not for promotion of vulgarity but on demand of story line so there will be that kind of scenes too so how can we say that Its not right to play because its also a character and if character demands short dresses how can we justify it please put some light of that question

    And the second thing is if its wrong to play but some other woman plays role of prostitute or do shirk in show But I can play my role in that show right? Do i get it right?

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member May 22, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    And I read the whole discussion and heard a answer related to PUBG gameHe said PUBG should not be played because of worship the idol in the game so how can you justify These two views because on one hand he said we can play character of non muslim and on other hand he said we should not play PUBG this is making me confuse. Can you tell something about it.

  • Umer

    Moderator May 22, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    There are two kinds of directives in religion, one which relate to explicit prohibition of something and second which are given as sadd-e-zariya (blocking the means which may lead to actual prohibitions). The latter can sometimes be mentioned in the primary source itself and sometimes, a scholar may advise it considering the overall framework of religion. However, the distinction between two should always remain clear and presence/absence of certain conditions may lead to removal of the latter.

    The Primary prohibition in matter of ethics has been mentioned clearly in Quran (7:33):

    Discussion 1749

    Any thing/act which contains these elements is considered Haram (prohibited).

    There are many activities which do not directly fall within the clear ambit of the above mentioned prohibitions but may or may not lead to such acts if one indulges in them. The same is the case with Acting as a prostitute and acting which involves polytheistic acts. There is also a difference in sensitives of both acts considering their nature and how they’re committed.

    Since polytheism has it’s essence rooted within a person, it is not just the act, but the actual rationale behind that act which makes it polytheism. Therefore, when one acts in any such role, that person being a Muslim, does in no way believes in that as his/her part of faith. However, being a God fearing Muslim, one should try to avoid it considering the sensitivity of religion towards polytheism. But if one absolutely has to do it, it can be tolerated but with the same caution. Same was the essence of reply by Ghamidi Sahab in case of PUBG and acting in a polytheistic role. In some videos, he emphasized one point more than the other.

    Regarding role as a prostitute, as opposed to polytheism, an act of intimacy has its very essence in the very act, therefore, commitment of any such act tantamount to commitment of the actual prohibited act itself. Therefore, the level of risk and sensitivity increases in case one opts to perform any such roles. Therefore, a God fearing Muslim should be very conscious about such roles and its better to avoid such roles.

    What one person does or is supposed to do has no bearing on other person’s acts. As long as one is himself/herself not involved in any immoral activity, there is nothing wrong with pursuing acting as a career.

  • Umer

    Moderator September 19, 2024 at 3:24 am

    Please also watch the following episode:

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member September 22, 2024 at 9:14 am

    JAZAK ALLAH for sharing this video, and let me please ask one more this in another discussed realtimg to acting in response you’ve shared this response of Janab Javed Ahmad Ghamidi sahb

    In this video he says in his answer that there is nothing wrong play a character of non muslim, as long as purpose is not to promote shirk, the response you shared now he says it is totally forbidden to play a character of non muslim, I’m little confused or maybe I am unable to understand his point probably?

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member September 22, 2024 at 9:38 am

    So Janab Javed Ahmad Ghamidi sahb means a muslim can play a character of non muslim, his/her name can be non muslim and etc but only can’t play the acts that are only for ALLAH like prostrating, Qasam of other than ALLAH, poja, going to church etc then that will he considered prohibited, In general a non muslim character can be played by a muslim, because in other countries content you can’t always be a muslim.

    Please correct me if i am wrong

    • Umer

      Moderator September 23, 2024 at 3:41 am

      Acts of worship are specific for Allah and should not be done by a Muslim even in the form of acting. One can play a non-muslim character if he/she can stay away from these acts.

  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member September 22, 2024 at 9:38 am
  • Daniyaa Khan

    Member September 22, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Because in this video Janab Javed Ahmad Ghamidi sahb says if want a character like that bring a mushrik for that role it means if you do not do any act that is only for ALLAH still you can’t play a jon muslim character it should be only done by a non muslim, correct?

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