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  • Itmam-ul-Hujjah Understanding By Early Muslims

    Posted by Saddamhusen Saiyed on July 12, 2021 at 2:18 pm

    I started watching counter narrative of ghamidi sahab in search of some answers where ghamidi sahab discusses role of imam farahi and he states that imam farahi by the appreciation of classical arabic changed the paradigm of religious thought in a way by finding the coherence which led ghamidi sahab to produce the law of itmam ul hujjah and such other things in precise manner.

    my basic question is did the companions of prophet muhammad saw understand the coherence and such other things? Obviously they would have understood as it was in their own language and they had very good taste of poetry etc. Then were they not able to transfer this knowldege to next generation? And if yes then can somebody say that at what point deviations started and then understanding of coherence of gone?

    or sahaba And the people of next generation after them themselves did not understand?

    and regarding the attacks on roman and persian empire as ghamid sahab says that they were done as divine punishments after itmam ul hujjah that means sahabas must have known this then did not they educate Next generations to not to take as iqamate deen or something? do we find any rivayats on this?

    Like umar warned people not to make their leader in the way abu bakr was selected….

    So How come it is possible that people were not educated about such a big issue ?

    Umer replied 3 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Itmam-ul-Hujjah Understanding By Early Muslims

    Umer updated 3 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator July 13, 2021 at 5:01 am

    It is not entirely true that Sahaba and earlier scholars were not aware of this law of divine punishment (itmam e hujjat). Please refer to the following responses along with attached hadith files where it becomes clear that Sahaba were very clear about application of this law (the whole thread contains very useful information in understanding of this law):

    Discussion 37972 • Reply 37981

    Discussion 37972 • Reply 38035

    (Regarding your point about statement by Umar (rta) regarding Abubakar (rta), please post it as a separate question)

  • Umer

    Moderator July 13, 2021 at 5:26 am

    Regarding your question on coherence of Quran, please refer to the video below from 20:25 to 25:52

    (Please watch the whole episode if you want to explore the topic of coherence further)

  • Saddamhusen Saiyed

    Member July 13, 2021 at 3:33 pm

    Thnk u i will definitely go through whatever u have referred to but regarding umar s advicd to people in selecting leader i am just giving an example that as umar feared that people will misunderstand the process so he warned them then regarding such a big issue of itmam ul hujjah didnot they educate that they had to invade persian roman empire for divine punishments and not for iqamate deen so are there any rivayahs in which they are making it clear to the people about the objectives of these wars


    • Umer

      Moderator July 14, 2021 at 4:27 am

      Umar (rta) clarified selection of Abubakar (rta) because his appointment happened in extraordinary circumstances, which had a potential to be misconstrued as a procedure for appointment of a leader, so he had to clarify how that all process unfolded. In case of divine punishment, there never was any confusion among Sahaba in this regard and that is why we find in history that Umar (rta) explicitly restricted the invasions to the territoty established by Prophet Muhammad (sws) and strictly forbade his armies to go beyond that. Some incursions that were made beyond that territory in the end time of umar (rta) and in the era of Uthman (rta) were to quash the rebellion, but never with the actual intent of invading those territories.

      You can find these historical accounts in the attached book written by Mr. Ammar Khan Nasir

      In order to establish the concept of iqamat e deen (the way it is commonly understood), first one needs to establish the meaning of the word in that very context. If the term means something different altogether, then there is no base available to build the whole concept of iqamat e deen. Following lectures shed light on the meaning of the word and how it was misunderstood:

      Discussion 37133 • Reply 37184

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