Question Regarding Warasat
Just listening to Molana Javaid Ghamidi Sb lecture on Surah Nisa where he explained about “Warasat” and I also read relevant portion in Meezan. I must appreciate that he has explained really well.
However Couple of questions I had which I am kind of not 100% clear and will highly appreciate if one can help in answering:
1. Is “Tarqa” only considered as leftover money or is house / cars etc. also considered “Tarqa”. If house / cars considered “Tarqa” then does wife of deceased need to sell these items, please explain process to follow with items which are not a hard cash.
2. Quran says boys share is equal to two girls. What if deceased has only one boy or one girl – does that one boy or one girl gets complete leftover Tarqa after “Mother, Father and Wife Recieved their shares”. For example: if deceased left 24 dollars. Mother Recieved 24/6 = 4 dollars, Father Recieved 24/6 = 4 dollars, Wife Recieved 24/8 = 3 dollars. Leftover 13 dollars. I had Karz of 5 dollars so that is paid.
1 son or 1 daughter gets leftover 8 dollars? Is this correct?
JazakAllah for helping in clarification.
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