Should Parents Allow Their Children To Watch Movies?.
My point is nowadays movies which are made especially for children, teens contains some types of kissing or inappropriate scenes. Not only in movies even advertisement.Also in western countries kissing in public is considered normal.
So should parents allow their children to watch such movies?. Usually not only we muslims but people from other religions prevent their children from immoral and bad acts cause young children get affected easily but after certain age can a parent allow them to watch?. Cause If they watch it at a certain age then at that time they won’t be affected If they would have been educated on the basis of right and wrong. Also If they would have been taught good things and also made to involve in good things then even if they got affected they would be out from the affection sooner or later.
As the world is going , parents himself watch movies with them. But I think If the moral and the majority part of the movie is good and they have alsoo been taught about wrong and bad things then they would never be affected.
I think the whole matter will be based on understandings, Judgement, capablity and most important present situation of a parent at that time.
By the way I am a student and not a parent😬😂 but I am just being curious and having questions🙂 Idk why even I am havings my exams.
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