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Does Allah Interfere In Our Actions Since He Has Given Us Freewill?
Posted by Shakeel Ahmad on December 30, 2021 at 1:43 amIf Allah will interfere in this world on our actions then what will happen to the rule of Jaza and Saza on the basis of freewill?
Nadeem replied 3 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Does Allah Interfere In Our Actions Since He Has Given Us Freewill?
Dawar Hussain
Moderator December 30, 2021 at 2:53 amPlease see the link Discussion 7026
Member December 30, 2021 at 3:50 pmAllah creates different circumstances and environments to test us. He manipulates external factors. He also allows good, bad and Satan to try to influence us per his will. What he doesn’t control is our free will as to how we respond or behave in those various situations he creates or let various people and Shaitan influence us.
Shakeel Ahmad
Member January 2, 2022 at 12:02 amSatan was deviated by his pridenot by Allah, how could Allah allow him to deviate us. The tests and desires through which we have go are due to the actions and environment created by humans, i do not think Allah does that. For exames desire of money, women and other things get elevated when we see around us. I think as per my knowledge and understanding Allah does nothing it is all us who create such things and we have to go through it and Allah will do his work on the finaL day.
I am not able to understand why Allah will interfere as he has already given us free will. Now that he brought us in this world without us knowing this is already a test. He does not need anything to do in this world
Member January 2, 2022 at 3:50 amAllah doesn’t manipulate anything on regular basis. Everything was planned and setup before it was created. Everything is written down. Humans do not manipulate everything. Consider where they are born, with what body characteristics, economic conditions, weather, diseases, natural disasters, who he meets, who are relatives, when person dies, etc. Shaitan is allowed to influence, but he is unable to influence believers. That is the test.
Regarding believing on something. We can believe on something that is imaginary or has no basis, or something that is based on solid ground (Quran).
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