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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Ruling Regarding Prohibition Of Eating Of Shark

  • Ruling Regarding Prohibition Of Eating Of Shark

    Umer updated 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator January 6, 2022 at 10:14 pm

    As far as Dietary prohibitions are concerned, it works on the principle of Taiyyabaat and Khabaais (Quran 7:157 and 2:172-173).


    i) Dietray objects (including animals) from which our nature feels extreme repulsion.

    ii) For animals specifically, Quran has cleared Taiyyabaat with word ‘Bahimatul-Anam’ (Quran 5:1, 22:34 and 22:28), meaning the cattle specie, which makes the differentiation more clear i.e. it is the ‘Beastly (Darindagi)‘ and ‘Non-Beastly‘ nature which are the most distinguishing factors. Beastly Nature refers to the beastly way of eating by an animal (cheer phar kai khana) and it applies equally to sea animals e.g. shark and to the land animals e.g. lion.

    Then there are animals in between this category which could be predatory but not actually beastly in nature, which could put them in the grey area. There is also a category which is neither predatory nor beastly in nature like horse, donkey etc. but also falls in the same grey area. This is the Mushtabihaat category.

    Shark is a ‘Beastly (Darinda)‘ animal, therefore, to be considered as Prohibited.

    Please see for further details:

    Discussion 47843 • Reply 47886


    Please also refer to the video below from 13:51 to 16:04

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