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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Why Is There Punishment For Premarital Affairs

  • Why Is There Punishment For Premarital Affairs

    Posted by Sameer Namole on February 17, 2022 at 5:29 am

    I’ve heard from Ghamidi sahab that In reality Extra marital affairs are Haram in religion but as this very activity can be addictive that’s why premarital affaires have been made haram too in deen.

    I Got it

    But just like wine or liquor can be addictive, there are still wine shops running legally in almost all countries.

    So abstinence from liquor seems to be totally one’s personal decision. Be it either from fear or God or societal fear.

    Using this logic, why there should be any punishment here in this world for premarital affairs. Shouldn’t they be left alone on one’s personal conscience.

    Punishment and abandonment extramarital affairs makes sense.

    Abandonment of premarital affairs makes sense too but why’s there a punishment for here in this world?

    Like if they come in sadde jaria they should be left on one’s personal choice until the bigger and actual crime i.e. extra marital affairs is not being committed.

    Umer replied 3 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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