Answer To Modern Atheists's Beliefs
Recently I have seen that Ghamidi sb responds to the issues happening recently such as Pig Heart, Girl who chanted Allah o Akbar. That’s really a good thing. But in addition to this I would request to please make a series or a few videos on the beliefs and allegations of several Mulhids such as Harris Sultan and Ghalib Kamal.
The reason is these people are propagating their atheist views and sometimes do several allegations on Islam and Prophet Muhammad too. I have seen many friends if mine getting Mulhid just because of these people. They have right to say but I am saying this because their concepts are deviating several Muslims because their is no one to answer their questions and give rebuttal of their beliefs.
We all know traditional religious people never give intellectual answers to their allegations. They just say stop watching them. Hamza Abbasi has also talked once with Harris Sultan. So please ask ghamidi sb or add this is conversating Islam to answer their questions and beliefs they portray by using science. Thousands of Muslims watch them and they are getting viral day by day.
Please consider this request of mine. Thanks
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