Repentance For Theft
It is known that stolen goods need to be returned along with sincere repentance to achieve Tawbah. However, what about a more complex scenario: someone stole something years ago, mixed the money with their own funds and invested in a business that has now grown over 20 years.
When returning the stolen money, after realization and sincere repenting, how should the individual decide the amount to return? Is it the principal? Or do you give them all the profits from the business as well? What about the efforts you exerted, your personal wealth – at this point it is impossible to distinguish the contribution %…? Giving all the profits or transferring the business to the victim is another option one could consider, but this would leave the thief suddenly without any income.
More generally, when returning Huqooq to people, do you compensate for the principal, or the missed opportunity cost as well?
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