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Can Uswa Become Bidah (biddat)
Posted by Abdullah AbdulRahman on March 13, 2022 at 3:29 pmAssalamualaikum
From 14.50 19.50
Ghamidi sahab said that the extra nawafil Prophets SAW used to pray and say to others also to pray, they were Uswa ,but today we see that it has got a special form as related to (Farz)Salah, so can’t we say that these nawafil people have made bid’at because they have given it a special form, same goes with Taraweeh?
Abdullah AbdulRahman replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Can Uswa Become Bidah (biddat)
Faisal Haroon
Moderator March 13, 2022 at 5:47 pmIt depends upon the reason that they provide for their considering a nafil prayers at the same level as fard. Taraweeh is not a bidah. Please see for details:
Abdullah AbdulRahman
Member March 14, 2022 at 4:30 amThank you for answering. But as far as i know, in the principle of Ghamidi sahab, Akhbar e Ahad (Ahadith) can neither add nor minus anything from religion. But here daleel is Hadith and, is there any qareena of that in Quran? And secondly how something which Prophet SAW has not started as Deen and something which is proven from Akhbar e Ahad ,but people have put it in special form (like if today we will do something in this special form as uswa of someone we love, it would become bid’at). Like no comparison to Prophet SAW, he is the only source of Deen, but it’s not fitting in the principles made by Ghamidi sahab (there maybe is problem in the principles)?
Moderator March 14, 2022 at 9:12 amFarz Salah has been instituted as Sunnah by the Prophet (sws), all nawafil Salah that Prophet used to pray that we see in akhbar-i-ahad will be acceptable because Salah is Sunnat-e-Sabita itself and Principle of ‘Tatawwo‘ is also mentioned in Quran.
Abdullah AbdulRahman
Member March 14, 2022 at 4:08 pmCan get a little explaination on ‘Tatawwo’. Thanks
Moderator March 15, 2022 at 4:39 pmThe Quran (2:158) says: وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَإِنَّ اللّهَ شَاكِرٌعَلِيمٌ (he who does a virtue of his own will God will accept it and is fully aware of it). Similarly, in 2:45, it has been said that in case of difficulty, help should be sought from the prayer and from perseverance: وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ. Thus in the light of these verses, besides the obligatory prayer, Muslims also offer the optional prayer. The optional (nafl) prayers which the Prophet (sws) has offered or has urged people to offer can be found in Hadith Corpus.
Abdullah AbdulRahman
Member March 23, 2022 at 12:16 pmWhat i have understood تَطَوَّعَ is voluntarily doing good action or in the above translation ‘virtue of his own will God’. But the problem is not that. Like if one says that God has given me a son, and prays 2 rakaat nafal of thank. But if it gets a form that anytime a child is born everyone prays 2 rakaat of thanks, ‘then it becomes Bid’at’. And a thing which Prophet SAW has not started as religion and did voluntarily, but today his voluntary prayers have got a form, that every time you go to mosque, pray two rakaat for mosque and before and after obligatory prayers. So why this is not Bid’at?
Abdullah AbdulRahman
Member March 23, 2022 at 12:19 pmAnd you can also affirm it, that these voluntary (nawafil) prayer of him, there are some glad tidings on them in Ahadith, and Prophet SAW usually used to pray them, especially 2 rakaat before Fajr. (Affirm if right) that in the time of Prophet SAW, some of his voluntary prayers got a special form or just after his time like Taraweeh. And on them we can’t even think of Bid’at. So there can be a problem in definition of Bid’at itself (definition:that when some good deed get a special form as part of religion)?
Moderator March 25, 2022 at 2:52 pmThese are nawafils for which one will get additional reward after one completes his/her obligatory prayers. Sayings of Prophet (sws) encouraging nawafil prayers are also based on this principle and Prophet (sws) never fixed any rakahs of Nawafil Salah, he simply encouraged Muslims to do so in addition to offering them himself.
Praying two Rakats for mosque is Nafal and no one considers it obligatory, same goes for other nafal prayers. The day people start categorizing them as obligatory, they will be categorized Bidat as such.
Abdullah AbdulRahman
Member April 8, 2022 at 2:36 pmYes but the nawafil which Prophet SAW himself used to pray have got a form with obligatory prayers like before Zuhur 4 rakaat and after 2. So how not?
Faisal Haroon
Moderator April 8, 2022 at 2:42 pmIt’s just a wrong categorization of an act; it can’t be termed as bidah.
Abdullah AbdulRahman
Member April 17, 2022 at 1:09 pmHow not?
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