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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Sahaba (rta) As Role Models Living A Life Of Simplicity

  • Sahaba (rta) As Role Models Living A Life Of Simplicity

    Umer updated 2 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator March 29, 2022 at 10:17 pm

    Ghamidi Sahab is referring to their role when they became leaders of Muslims like AbuBakr (rta), Umar (rta) who lived life like an ordinary Muslim despite the fact they were emperors of a big kingdom and could’ve had anything at their feet. They lived in the shoes of a poor citizen so that they should know what their poor citizens are going through.

    Secondly, for Sahaba, their ultimate goal was akhira and succes in the afterlife, which they preferred more than the luxuries of this world. This doesn’t mean that they didn’t enjoy any luxury, instead they adopted a moderate approach, where they live the life of this world with the success of akhirah their primary goal.

    As far as our attitude towards this world including weatlh and aesthetics is concerned, Quran is very clear in this regard, please see:

    Discussion 64765

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