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Forums Forums Youth And Islam Fedup From Life – Is Suicide An Option?

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  • Fedup From Life – Is Suicide An Option?

    Posted by Rehan Ahmed on May 11, 2022 at 1:45 am

    Aslam o alikum sir want to ask a question from you.I am fed of from my life.because of various reasons so would you like to tell me what should I do?if in a case I would attempt suicide so how will my next life be?

    Umer replied 2 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Fedup From Life – Is Suicide An Option?

    Umer updated 2 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Mohammed Zubair Alam

    Member May 11, 2022 at 2:54 am

    Brother, Suicide is never an option. In this Life everyone is here for a test and we have to live in this test. The rich people are tested how they use their money , the poor are tested how can they remain on the right path. Allah is dealing everyone accordingly and in the hereafter also, he will deal everyone accordingly.

    All we can do is stay on the right path no matter what. We will sin, bad thoughts will come, Bad things will happen, anything can happen but that doesn’t mean we lose hope. If we sin, we will repent. If bad thoughts come, we will change them into good. If something bad happens in our life, all we can do is try to make it good and be patient and be thankful to God.

    Instead of Asking what will happen in the hereafter, why don’t you ask yourself what will happen in the next 1 year, 2years , 5 years..etc?.

    No one can say what will happen in the hereafter and in the future. Only Allah knows. Allah will deal everyone accordingly.

    Try to be happy again and try to make your life better and then ask yourself what do you see in the next 2.3..4.. years?…

    Your efforts can completely change your life. And no efforts goes in vain, brother. You may not be able to reach your destination or goal, but you will not regret for not trying. You will learn and get good valuable lessons in life.

    Try to make your present better, because the present leads the future.

    And keep doing good deeds and opting for sucide option means rejecting a golden offer. This life is a golden offer for us to gain more and more good deeds.

    The longer the life , the longer the time we have to please Allah.

    Laslty, going to a psychologist or psychiatrist can help you a lot in such situations.

  • Umer

    Moderator May 13, 2022 at 11:56 am

    From a religious stand-point, suicide is not an option. Please see:

    Discussion 45127


    Hopefully following responses/thread will help you see things with a different perspective. May Allah ease your burdens:

    Discussion 58709 • Reply 58716

    Discussion 58709 • Reply 58717

    Discussion 1587

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