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  • Unfair Test For Privileged People

    Posted by Sameer Namole on June 8, 2022 at 4:47 am

    In this video from 13:14 Ghamidi sahab is explaining :

    [ (Transcript of that part) Sometimes we think that those whom Allah gives the test of gratitude (Shukr). Those who have too much, too many blessings, that that is an easy test. Those who have pondered over the order of this universe, they have come to conclusion, and rightly so, that the test of patience, for example, the one that is happening of that little girl or her parents from a point of view of the end result, it is not as dangerous of a test compared to the test of thankfulness. Because in that test, the pain, its severity, its problems at all times turn attention towards God. Sometimes for prayer Sometimes to remember God. But too much blessing causes people to neglect these. As people receive more blessing, the concept of gratitudeand the feeling of thankfulness starts to fade away. And the person thinks that it is all due to my efforts, my hard workor through the inheritance of my forefathers. So when you will see the result, you will find out that they were successful (those who suffered), while we failed. Those who got blessings in this world failed. Therefore, until you see this world in the context of the afterlife, these questions will keep arising.]

    So this seems a kind of impartiality to the privileged people. They remain ‘Ghafil’ throughout their test.

    What’s your opinion?

    Sameer Namole replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Unfair Test For Privileged People

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 9, 2022 at 4:17 am

    There is a deep and hidden wisdom of God behind putting different people in different type of tests. So much so, there is a difference of number of degrees in the test of gratefulness and patience. Men with different capabilities and circumstances have different test, but all have the same level of test according to their different status. This test has been presented to them before they were put into the test and they themselves chose it deliberately.

    We had presented this trust before the earth, the heavens and the mountains but they had declined and became scared of it, but human beings bore it. In reality, they are very unjust and ones who are overwhelmed with emotions. (33:72)

  • Sameer Namole

    Member June 9, 2022 at 4:21 am

    So sir do you mean we were shown our personal or about our individual tests too? or was it just collectively asked? As you said all have same level of tests according to their different level. This seems promising. Can you explain it a bit sir ?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 9, 2022 at 4:27 am

    Every individual took up his or her test. No human can accept a test on behalf of others.

    Having said that, we do not know the details. This was the test of obedience with free will. and every individual took it up with his willingness.

  • Sameer Namole

    Member June 9, 2022 at 4:30 am

    Got it sir.

    Can you pls elaborate a bit this too. [Men with different capabilities and circumstances have different test, but all have the same level of test according to their different status.]

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 9, 2022 at 4:32 am

    A boy in the tenth standard is supposed to qualify his tenth standard but a man with greater knowledge is supposed to qualify for example PhD. both have different tests but both have different abilities.

  • Sameer Namole

    Member June 10, 2022 at 3:44 am

    This means a begger and a king have same level of test? I mean a king is more prone to sins than a begger. So the test ‘seems’ somehow difficult for the king. But if the king is pious, the place he’ll get in Jannah can be achieved by a begger too. Is that what you’re saying?

    If that’s the case we can achieve the place of any prophet too? Am I right?

  • Sameer Namole

    Member June 10, 2022 at 9:13 am

    I read and watched all videos you mentioned sir but this still doesn’t fully answer it. What I’ve heard from Ghamidi sahab that this world and this test was created so that no one will question Almighty how did he select peoples ranks on merit. So this test is a proof for them.

    But these arguments are neither fulfilling this purpose nor satisfying my answer.

    Ghamidi sahab said about sahaba that they were given hard tests too in order to achieve high ranks. So both the upside and downside potential were huge. But still there can be many people complaining on the day of judgement that if they were given same level of tests like sahaba or prophets they could done much better. What do you think?

    • Umer

      Moderator June 11, 2022 at 1:13 am

      By this argument, there could be many people who’d say that had they been made angels instead of humans, they would’ve done much better or had they been not created at all or had they been made animals instead of humans – this why me? kind of questions have no end to them. What a rational person should do is to analyze his situation, accept the realities of his situation and act accordingly instead of hypothetically assuming scenarios that are not possible at all and don’t effect the premise of religion which exists on solid grounds and not on such hypothetical questions.

      What we know from Quran are some principle statements in this regard:

      – Every human being has every opportunity to reach highest levels in Jannah.

      – Complete justice will be done on the day of judgement.

      – A person who becomes eligible for Jannah will be given everything they wish for.

      Therefore, a God who can create such a world in the hereafter can make sure that such questions won’t arise in the mind of humans after seeing that world and complete justice unfurl in front of their eyes.

      There’s so much diversity in scheme of tests and trials that every person’s test varies from the other person; test of a person who is having a difficult time in life, when analyzed deeply, is different from the other person who is also going through a difficult time himself. And same goes for two people having a happy life apparently. This doesn’t mean that the former doesn’t experience the latter in ther lifetime and vice versa. Test of patience and test of gratefullness are grand generalizations in this regard, it doesn’t define the whole test for an individual, it is rather an expression of dominant factor in one’s test. Similarly, in the hindsight, it can be said that a sizable chunk of poeple who are privileged (financially or in other ways) in this world, are more devoid of remembering God out of their own freewill, this again doesn’t include everyone and similarly this doesn’t mean that everyone who is not privileged (financially or in other ways) is not devoid of remembering God. Both of these people follow a path out of their own freewill. Just the way privileged person can become arrogant towards God, same way non-privileged person has equal potential to become rebellious towards God.

      Following advice of Ghamidi Shaab will be helpful in this regard:

      Discussion 37854 • Reply 37858

      Scheme of Tests and Trials:

      Discussion 22229

  • Sameer Namole

    Member June 12, 2022 at 7:21 am

    Thank you sir, JazakAllah.

    Haq adaa kar diya aapne is sawal ka, kaafi dino jehan me tha.

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