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Forums Forums Youth And Islam Should One Refrain From Presenting His Arguments In Public?

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  • Should One Refrain From Presenting His Arguments In Public?

    Posted by Muhammad Talha on June 15, 2022 at 12:27 am

    As you may have seen, there’s been a lot of backlash after the post of Hamza Ali Abbasi, and many people quoted the Ayat which they interpret as the proof for Jesus’ life. So, I was just presenting the other Ayah’s from Al Maidah and Aal Imran, and telling them how the absence of such an huge event in Quran raises questions. And what is the true place of Ahadith.

    But instead of answering any of these arguments multiple people accused me of being a Hadith and Quran rejector.

    This was really disheartening, I can’t imagine what Ghamidi Sb has been through because of these kind of people.

    So, should one just keep silent on these kind of things and not present them publicly?

    Umer replied 2 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Should One Refrain From Presenting His Arguments In Public?

    Umer updated 2 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 15, 2022 at 1:27 am

    To present a view which is not commonly known or accepted needs to tell when there is a necessity. and it should be told with wisdom and care, not in a provoking manner. The opposition which comes in its wake needs to be dealt with, with patience and forbearance. However, it is not an obligation to teach or tell the people such scholarly views. So at the end it the person to decide he or she would follow this path or not.

  • Imran

    Member June 15, 2022 at 10:47 pm

    Back in the days, I used to favor Wahdatul Wujud and the very inclusive all embracing philosophy of Ibn Arabi , ie acknowledge the truth you find in every creed.

    I was deemed a heretic and l enjoyed the condemnation, disapproving words of my opponents. I have moved on from Wahdatul Wujud but l never shy away from presenting my opinion. Take this verse of Quran.

    ” But the people divided their religion among them into sects – each faction, in what it has, rejoicing ”

    Religion has a lot to do with a sense of community, a safe space of people who comfort you with similar beliefs and ideas. That’s why people don’t reason as a member of a sect, they rejoice and love their own sect. But you must remember, you are an individual and you will be judged on the day of Judgment as an individual, not in a group. Therefore, never blindly follow a group, even the people around Javed Ghamidi. Always retreat from the community and examine your ideas. Think and ponder, reap the fruits of solitude. Never lose yourself but also stay connected to the community. Try your best to engage other people with your new, different ideas.

  • Umer

    Moderator June 16, 2022 at 8:25 am

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