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  • How Common Descent Is Against Quran?

    Posted by Amjad Khan on June 25, 2022 at 11:52 am

    As per Ghamidi sb’s understanding, the theory of common descent is against Quran. According to him, from the very first day it were humanoids who went through various stages of evolution to perfection (he refers Surah Teen). I want to know how the verses of Surah Teen negate common descent? The Surah says “began the creation of man” and it is very possible that in these stages of creation of man it was actually LUCA with whom the chain of creation started, gradually leading to the birth of humans.

    As Quran is not a book of science and neither was it suitable to reveal such intricacies at the time of revelation, the whole process was summarized into the words “began the creation of man” skipping how that creation took place. Whether was it through some LUCA or were all creatures took sperate evolutionary routes, both scenarios are not explicitly rejected by Quran, and are subject to further scientific inquiry. What is your opinion? And what is Sajid Hameed sb’s opinion on the matter? @UmerQureshi @faisalharoon @Irfan76

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 2 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
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