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Forums Forums Youth And Islam Practical Ways To Curb Ego (Ananiyat)

  • Practical Ways To Curb Ego (Ananiyat)

    Umer updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator July 5, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    Firstly, Trying to make Zikr (remembrance of Allah) one’s focal point the way Prophet Muhammad (sws) used to do. It means that with our every action, we should have thought of Almighty in the back of our heads and sometimes this can also take form of oral zikr in the form of different prayers. This also helps one in reminding oneself of their ultimate goal of akhirah and how to acheve it (i.e. tazkiya)

    Please see:

    Discussion 40348 • Reply 40376

    Secondly, one should continually perform self-accountability every night, to identify mistakes made during the day and try to not repeat those mistake the next day; and be a better version of ourselves with every passing day.

    Please see:

    Discussion 64785


    Following video of Ghamidi Sahab adds insight into concept of Ananiyat (ego), please refer to the video below from 2:22 to 6:33

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