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  • Rationale Behind Shirk

    Posted by Sameer Namole on October 12, 2022 at 12:47 am


    When we look at people in general, of different religions, they somehow have some reasons to do shirk

    1) Like for people who go to and worship shrines, they say it’s written in Quran that ‘Friends of Allah never die’ and so as these saints buried in shrine are alive, we’re just asking them for ‘waseela’ i.e. to pass on our request to Allah, just like we’ll do with living persons.

    2) People following Hinduism, I’ve asked several people from them about this (worshipping idols) and they say it’s written clearly in their ‘Upanishads’ and ‘Purans’. So they’re not doing shirk ‘On their own’. That they believe in One Almighty but these are just ‘ways to reach him’

    3) Another big thing many of them said that, whenever they’ve to place an new idol in a mandir, they recite some ‘Mantras’ or in our language some ‘Duas’ and because of this, the idol becomes a living thing. I mean it is not at all a non-living substance, it’s a ‘symbol’ of God for them. How do we take this.

    4) This makes a great difference between shirk of quraish e Makkah and Hindus/christians/jews/muslims. Like they are doing ‘Polytheism’ but they cannot be ‘Polytheists’. The reason is that, despite their shirk, they claim that what they are doing is not shirk. In other words, they believe that tawhid is the right point of view, and they ‘do not consider their shirk as going against the requirements of tawhid’. The mushrikun of Makkah, on the other hand, claimed that what they are doing was shirk and that shirk is the right religion from Allah Almighty. Therefore, they deserve to be called mushrikun.

    5) Don’t you think sir, that just like we have our rationale for believing in Kaa’ba, they have their own reasons from ‘Their books’. Please explain me on this. Maybe I am thinking to much 😂

    As Always JazakAllah in advance

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 2 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rationale Behind Shirk

  • Umer

    Moderator October 12, 2022 at 10:56 pm

    Please refer to the responses of Ghamidi Sahab shared in the following threads:

    Discussion 69507

    Discussion 59882

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar October 12, 2022 at 10:58 pm

    The different to believe in something is of Haq and Zann (speculation) makes one valid and other invalid. To believe in Allah and His religion has been proven through prophets and other verifiable signs. The prophets first made people believed that they are from Allah. The message they give is in conformity with intellect that there should be one God and there should be a hereafter to complete the meaning of life here with justice. The triumph of the prophet followed by his claim that he would be truimphant and his opponents would lick the dust and be perished are proven facts of history. The predictions they made come true. The living evidences of God’s promises and covenant (that if they accept faith and be righteous they will prosper and be dominant on their opponents and if not they will be humiliated and the Jews will stay subordinate to the Christians) are witnessed in the cases of Bani Israel and Bani Ishamael. Their national life has been a living evidence to the fact. So the God of Islam is the true God and His religion is the true religion.

    on the other hand, there is speculation and assumption. This is called Zann. To believe in Zann is absure and makes one answerable for this folly.

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