Sunnah Categorisation
I would appreciate if the below can be clarified.
1) The various categories of sunnah as explained in “Meezan”, are they all equal in their status in the Deen. For example eating pig and eating with left hand are equal transgression?
2)If the list of Sunnah (as provided in Meezan) are not equal in status then what principles (if any) have been used for sunnah categorisation.
3) What is Ghamidi Sahib view regarding fiqh categorisation of (Farz, wajib, sunnah mokada, sunnah ghair mokada, mustahab, etc. etc. ).
4)Can the fiqh categorisation in point 3 above be applied to the list of Sunnah as listed in Meezan.
Any reference to written work on the above would be very helpful.
Thank you and regards,
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