Is This Story And Hadith Authentic?
Hello there,
There’s a story along with Ahadith, and this has been mentioned in a lot of shia websites
and also a sunni website told that this hadith was used in tafseer by Ath-Thalabi (that website said that about this book of tafsir Ibn taymiyah said that this author, ath thalabi mixes authentic and unauthentic hadith) and also found in book of as-samarqandi (which again was said by that website that some scholar said that this book has a lot of fabricated Ahadiths).
Nevertheless the hadith that is mentioned in the shia websites is this.
So is this hadith authentic? Because in this story the man repented very very much for 40 days, his eyelashes fell because of constant crying and he became black in sun. Beasts surrounding him because they felt distressed because of his distress. And the words of Prophet about how prophet said to him that be away from me, lest i may get burned with your fire. And also in the end the words of prophet that this is how a repentance should be,
so is such harsh or strict repentance is needed for sins to be forgiven? Is this hadith authentic?
Because i have heard that even the biggest sins like Shirk can be forgiven by sincere repentance, and as i have heard there is only 3 condition for sincere repentance. That is regret, seeking forgiveness and turning to Allah, and resolving never to go back. And a 4th one if someone’s right is involved. But this hadith gives a concept that such harsh repentance should be done because of words of Prophet before his repentance and after such harsh repentance of 40 days then Prophet saying that this is how a repentance should be. Etc
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