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Status Of Wudu When One Stares At NaMehram Or Smokes?
Posted by Suhail on May 10, 2023 at 9:43 amI want to ask regarding the wudhu.
What are the ways in which we need to repeat the wudhu?
If one abuses, stares at a non mehram,smokes, do they need to make wudhu or it doesn’t count.
Suhail replied 1 year, 10 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Status Of Wudu When One Stares At NaMehram Or Smokes?
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar May 11, 2023 at 1:30 amWudu gets invalidated due to some physical filth when it comes out from the body, nothing else.
Following are the things which terminate wudu.
i. urination,
ii. defecation,
iii. passing the wind whether with sound or without it, and
iv. discharge of madhi [11] or wadi. [12]
Member May 11, 2023 at 1:58 amJazakallah
Since the aim of wudhu is purification,
By staring at some non mehram is addressed in a hadith as zinah of the eye, so does it not need break the wudhu.
Else by passing of wind doesnt cause anything except the feeling of being impure. Same feeling is caused by Abusing or staring indecently.
Doenst sleeping invalidate wudhu?
I heard eating camels meat also breaks wudhu? Kindly enlighten
Moderator May 11, 2023 at 3:19 amMatters of ‘Ibadah’ or ‘Tabbudi amur‘ are not subject to ‘illat‘ unless explicitly stated by the Prophet Himself. Of course we can try to understand reason behind every Ibadah and every other matter surrounding it. But the way Ibadah is to be done, its prerequisites, timings and other conditions are things not subject to our own ‘ijtihad‘or our ‘own extension of logic’. For example, the number of rakahs in every salah, the ritualistic shape of Salah, process of wuzu and things which nullify it etc. are all those matters which are transmitted to us as Sunnah through ijma and Tawatur, and belong to ‘tabbudi amur‘ hence their shape and conditions will be kept intact.
As far as the logic is concerned, it has to do with Islam’s high sensitivity towards Tazkiya. Even when there is no apparent impurity that requires cleaning, but considering the inner feeling of impurity that such act may cause (the passing of wind), renewal for Wuzu has been made obligatory. Wuzu has a spiritual or the psychological effect of having attained a higher status of cleanliness or purity. This sense of purity breaks when one urinates or defecates or its minor form, passes wind. Nullifiers of Wuzu have to do with spiritual impurity that has relationship with bodily purity in some sense, which all the nullifiers does (Please see: Discussion 36957 • Reply 37010).
Similarly, if staring at a NaMehram results in any such discharge then Wuzu is required (this can happen when it is a lustful stare and the hadith of Prophet (Sws) is also talking about this lustful stare done with the intention of Zina). Abusing others, despite being a abhorrent sinful act, does not effect bodily purity in any way and the reason all such acts similar to abusing were not categorized as Wuzu nullifiers were to not make wuzu an extraordinarily difficult activity, since Allah has does not give shariat beyond a certain level of harship (Quran 2:286) and He prefers ease in matters of ibadah (Quran 2:185). Same is the case for sleep, Sleep and unconsciousness themselves do not terminate wuzu; however, since in these states a person is not able to know for certain whether his wuzu is intact or not, it is essential to do wuzu after them as a precautionary measure. Eating camel meat does not break wuzu (Please see: Discussion 54065).
Member May 11, 2023 at 5:13 amDear brother Umer,
Thank you so much for answering in depth and detail regarding the question posted in Ask Ghamidi app.
I would like to pay gratitude for this service
May Allah reward you for this service and grant you the highest place.
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