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  • Charity Eases The Difficulty And Calms The Anger Of Allah

    Posted by Taimur Mughal on June 16, 2023 at 12:53 pm

    My question is;

    is there any authentic hadith or verse in Quran that tells us that giving charity ( like money to foundations nowadays) calsm the anger of Allah? And it removes difficulties from life as well.

    Because I have read it somewhere and I heard it as well from some scolars.

    Is this view correct about charity or is it something that is advised in order to get good deeds and has no reality in quran or authentic hadith?

    Thank you.

    Umer replied 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Charity Eases The Difficulty And Calms The Anger Of Allah

    Umer updated 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator June 21, 2023 at 12:35 am

    Belief in the hereafter, Salah and Charity, is the essence of the whole religion. According to the Quran, two things are needed to be a servant of Allah in the world: One is that the relationship of man with the Creator should be properly established. The second is that he should connect with the creation of Allah in the right way. The first thing is obtained from prayer, which is the first manifestation of love for Allah Almighty, and the second is from charity, which is the first manifestation of love for creation of Allah (i.e fellow human beings). That is why Quran has mentioned Charity as one of the primary characteristics of Muslims along with Salah in several places. Indeed, Charity will ease difficulty for every Muslim on the day of judgement. However, no such principle is mentioned in either Quran or Hadith specifically for this world.

    One important point in this context must be kept in mind. In addition to charity being a source of assistance for our family, relatives, neighbors and other members of the society, it is also an Ibadah (with Zakat being an obligatory one). Considering its nature as an Ibadah, there is no harm if a person hopes that GOD will protect him and reward Him both in this world and in the world hereafter. While doing any Ibadah. We do feel these kinds of emotions and sometimes even express them in words. Just like a person can offer Salah (Fard or Nafl) and ask for protection against any disease or calamity etc. similarly, he can also do some charity and ask for Allah’s protection because they’re both a form of Ibadah.

    Please also refer to the response of Ghamidi Sahab in the [Foot Note 1].

    As far as Hadith narrations are concerned, this concept emerges in two forms in the Hadith corpus:

    i) Charity pacifies the anger of God and averts awful death: All the variants of this narration are weak and hence not credible. Please refer to the following link for a detailed study of all the variants of this Hadith.

    Charity averts Awful Death

    ii) Charity stands in the way of calamity: All the variants of this narration are weak and hence not credible.

    The ahadith on this topic are primarily narrated from two Sahaba

    a) Ans Bin Malik:

    قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ

    ” بَكِّرُوا بِالصَّدَقَةِ فَإِنَّ الْبَلاءَ لا يَتَخَطَّى الصَّدَقَةَ “

    Prophet Muhammad (sws) said: “Race in [the giving of] sadaqah; then indeed, tribulation cannot outstrip it”.

    Narrated in:

    Nuskha Abi Mushar 1/49 (Number 46) (First edition, Dar-ul-Sahaba lil Turas, Tanta Egypt)

    Through chain of narration from Muhammad bin Ubaidullah from Abu Taqi Hisham bin Abdul Malik from Yahya bin Saeed from Suleman bin Umar from Mukhtar bin Fulful from Ans bin Malik from Prophet Muhammad (sws).

    Yahya bin Saeed is a weak narrator (Daef-ul-Hadith) AND Suleman bin Umar is a Majhul Narrator (unknown).

    Also Narrated in (with the same wording):

    Shuab ul Iman by Bayhaqi 3/214 (Number 3353) (First edition, Dar-ul-Kutab al-ilmiya, Beirut, Lebanon) AND

    Ahadith wa Hakayat lil Salafi by Abu Tahir Salfi Pg. 07 (Number 21)

    Through primary chain of narration from Muhammad bin Momal Al-Absi Al Basri from Bashar bin Ubaid from Abu Yusuf Al-Qazi from Mukhtar bin Fulful from Ans bin Malik from Prophet Muhammad (sws).

    Bashar bin Ubaid is a Munkir-ul-Hadith (thus weak).

    [Note: Bayhaqi also mentions that the same narration is also reported from a different chain as a Mauquf narration of Ans Bin Malik (i.e. attributed to Ans bin Malik instead of Prophet Muhammad(sws)). This chain is comparatively a stronger chain with some weakness in one of the narrators and hence can be categorized as Hasan narration as saying of Ans bin Malik (rta)].

    This narration is also categorized as Mozu (Fabricated) by:

    Ibn-e-Jozi in Al-Mozuat 2/153-154 (First edition, Maktaba Al-Salfiya, Medina)


    Imam Shokani in Al-Fawaid-ul-Majmua Pg. 61 (Dar-ul-Kutab al-ilmiya, Beirut, Lebanon)

    b) Ali bin Abi Talib:

    قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ

    ” بَاكِرُوا بِالصَّدَقَةِ، فَإِنَّ الْبَلاءَ لا يَتَخَطَّاهَا”

    لا يروى هذا الحديث عن علي إلا بهذا الإسناد

    Prophet Muhammad (sws) said: “Race in [the giving of] sadaqah; then indeed, calamity cannot overcome it.”

    This hadith is not narrated from Ali except with this chain of transmission (According to Tabarani).

    Narrated in:

    Al-Moajam Al-Awsat by Tabarani 6/9 (Number 5643)

    Through chain of narration from Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Hazrami from Hamza bin Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Umar bin Ali bin Abi Talib from Esa bin Abdullah from his father from his grandfather from Ali bin Abi Talib from Prophet Muhammad (sws).

    Hamza bin Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Muhammad is a Majhul narrator (unknown) and Esa bin Abdullah is Matruk-ul-Hadith (Abandoned for Hadith purposes). Hence the narration is weak.

    Also narrated in (with same wording):

    Al-Sadis ul Ashar Min Mashikhat-il Baghdadiya by Abu Tahir Salfi Pg. 03 (Number 10)

    Through chain of narration from Muhammad bin Jafar Al-Kufi from Muhammad bin Qasim bin Zakariya from Abad bin Yaqub from Esa bin Umar from his father from his father from his grandfather from Ali bin Abi Talib from Prophet Muhammad (sws).

    Muhammad bin Qasim bin Zakariya is a weak narrator (Daef-ul-Hadith) AND Abad bin Yaqub is Matruk-ul-Hadith (Abandoned for Hadith purposes).

    This narration is also categorized as Weak (Daef) by:

    Imam Shokani in Al-Fawaid-ul-Majmua Pg. 62 (Dar-ul-Kutab al-ilmiya, Beirut, Lebanon)


    [Foot Note 1]

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please refer to the video below from 46:13 to 49:06

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