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Forums Forums Sources of Islam 18. What Is Hadith? (حديث کیا ہے ؟ )–Response To 23 Questions

  • 18. What Is Hadith? (حديث کیا ہے ؟ )–Response To 23 Questions

    Posted by Ahsan on June 24, 2023 at 11:29 pm

    Episode 1- Part 135

    00:00- Summary of the traditional point of view

    1:35- Preamble

    3:07- What is hadith? A concise answer

    4:25- What is hadith? As written in Hadith wa-al-muhaddithun by Kasawānī,

    7:10- What is hadith? As reported in Tadveen e Hadith By Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani pg 4.

    15:10- Why is there no responsibility of hadith om Prophet saw?

    16:50- History of Hadiths over 3 centuries

    18:02- History of hadith in the first century

    26:06- How prophet encouraged people to spread his sayings?

    Ahsan replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 33 Replies
  • 33 Replies
  • 18. What Is Hadith? (حديث کیا ہے ؟ )–Response To 23 Questions

    Ahsan updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 33 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 24, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Episode 2- Part 137
    – Summary of the previous episode

    02:00– Changes in the role of the Prophet after migration and people narrating incidents

    10:40– Intro to the personality of Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas

    14:08-Problem faced by him in writing hadiths and solution provided by Prophet Mohammad saw

    20:00– Finalization of Qirat in 9-10 hijra and steps taken by prophet according to

    28:49– Answer to the question, “does hadith add anything to religion?”

    31:00- Summary

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 28, 2023 at 10:06 pm

    Episode 3- Part 137

    00:00- Recap of the previous episode

    01:00- Three challenges faced by Sahaba in quoting the prophet

    05:00- How Hazrat Abu Bakar solved the first challenge and compilation of hadiths with reference to Tazkaratul Huffaz by Imam Az-Zahabi

    15:15- How Hazrat Abu Bakar solved 2nd challenge of oral transmission with reference to Tazkaratul Huffaz by Imam Az-Zahabi

    22:00- How Hazrat Abu Bakar solved 3rd challenge of accepting narration with reference to Tazkaratul Huffaz by Imam Az-Zahabi

    30:25- Why Hazrat Abu bakar quoted the prophet?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 14, 2023 at 11:44 pm

    Episode 4- Part 138

    00:00- Recap of last episode

    1:57- Hazrat Umar RA intentions to collect hadiths and his argument to give up this intention

    8:09- Hazrat Umar RA principal stand on quoting hadiths

    17:19- Steps taken by Hazrat Umar RA to stop wrong sayings attributed to Prophet saw

    22:16- Hazrat Uthman RA and Hazrat Ali RA conduct towards hadith

    23:56- Hazrat Muaviya RA conduct towards Hadith

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 18, 2023 at 10:00 am

    Episode 5- Part 139

    00:00- Recap of last episode

    2:18- Two opinions regarding the collection of hadith

    3:50- Comment on hadith ( regarding writing hadith

    6:30- Report about Hadiths written by sahaba

    11:06- Pieces of evidence of careful conduct about hadith prevailing among some sahabas.

    23:41- Names of sahabas who reported many hadiths and spreading of hadith

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 25, 2023 at 12:18 pm

    Episode 6- Part 140:

    00:00- Recap of last episode

    2:03- Historical context and misuse of hadiths

    18:40- Era of Umer Bin Abdul Aziz and collection of hadith

    26:46- Why earlier khulfa didnt take these steps

  • Ahsan

    Moderator September 1, 2023 at 9:00 am

    Episode 7- Part141

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    5:00- Comments on hadith become a discipline of Islamic studies and collection of hadith.

    8:11- List of Aima rijal in the first century and historical background.

    12:49- Discussion about the investigation of the hadiths and links of narration.

    17:14- Discussion about the Identification of liars.

    21:00- Selection of hadiths from hundreds of thousands of hadiths.

    23:15- Definition of Ilm ul Rijaal

    24:26- Were such practices to verify historicity used before them?

    28:51– Ghamidi sb quoting his own personal experience.

    30:08- Further details about the investigation of hadiths and admiration of muhadditeen works
    35:00- Prelude to sahae satta

  • Ahsan

    Moderator September 8, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Episode 8- Part142

    00:00- Recap of last episodes

    1:31- Letter of Umer bin Abdul Aziz and first four books of hadith collection.
    4:43- List of Scholars who collected hadiths in the first three centuries

    17:03- Consequence of the efforts of scholars

    19:09- Why is the hadith collection not like the Quran?

    22:41- How can we be sure that these books are the same as collected by scholars?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator September 17, 2023 at 2:17 am

    Episode 9- Part143

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    3:00- Agenda of remaining episodes in the What is hadith series

    6:42- Comments on Criteria of collection of hadith

    25:30- Methodology of scholars

    28:00- Continuation of comments on criteria

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 7, 2023 at 10:13 am

    Episode 10- Part144

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    1:10- Criteria for accepting Content of hadith- Excerpt from Meezan with elaboration.

    9:00- Criteria- Content cannot be against the Quran o Sunnah

    16:30- Criteria- Content cannot be against Facts and logic

    26:00- Quote of Khatib Baghadadi from his work ALkafaya Fi Ilm ul Riwayah

    27:51- Summarizing whole episodes.

    28:50- WHat is Sunnah Maluma?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 7, 2023 at 10:14 am

    Episode 11- Part145

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    3:15- Principles for understanding Hadith- Knowledge of Arabic

    16:40- Advice to students of hadith

    18:00- Understanding of Arabic can be subjective to individuals; how can it be principle

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 7, 2023 at 10:14 am

    Episode 12- Part146

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    2:07- Principles for understanding Hadith- Understanding in the light of the Quran

    9:04- Problem in understanding hadith without Quran

    16:30- How to know the shan e nazool without hadith?

    18:50- Do the Differences in understanding can cause disagreement?

    21:00- Contradiction in the stance of understanding Quran and hadith

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 21, 2023 at 11:31 pm

    Episode 13- Part147

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    2:00- Principles for understanding Hadith- Context of Hadith

    7:23- Discussion on hadith about selecting a ruler from Quraish

    14:40- How do we determine the context of the Quran?

    17:20- How Differences in understanding can cause disagreement?

    21:00- Can we create our own context with logic?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 21, 2023 at 11:43 pm

    Episode 14- Part148

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    2:00- Principles for understanding Hadith- Gather All hadiths on that topic ( with example to drawing pictures)

    7:23- Discussion on hadith about selecting a ruler from Quraish

    13:45- How Muhadissen classify hadith in topics?

    17:28- How they placed hadiths in different topics

    20:23- Principles for understanding Hadith-Use of logic and facts

    32:34- What about hadith talking about miracles of prophets?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator November 11, 2023 at 2:41 am

    Episode 15- Part149

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    3:27- Prelude to understanding Ilm ul Nabi in hadith ie explanation of God’s commands by Prophet saw

    15:25- What is the reason for revealing verses upon humans?

    16:54- Ilm ul nabi wrt to the explanation of foster relationships

    22:07- Example of Islamic punishments, eating fish and other examples

    32:06- Uswah e hasna in hadiths

  • Ahsan

    Moderator November 18, 2023 at 4:04 am

    Episode 16- Part150

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    5:22- What must a person do if there is a high probability of hadith being true?

    11:72- Example of punishment for Zina

    18:30– Why Quran did not give the whole sharia?

    21:00- Prophet being the first teacher of Sharia

    30:44- Quran emphasis on following prophet

  • Ahsan

    Moderator November 27, 2023 at 10:34 pm

    Episode 17- Part151

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    4:13- Following the Prophet according to Surah AHzab verse 36

    13:09- How can people today follow the prophet?

    15:52- Excerpt from Meezan chapter on hadith

    18:20- Do we really need to understand hadith?

    21:59- Excerpt from Meezan chapter on hadith and explanation

  • Ahsan

    Moderator December 1, 2023 at 7:39 pm

    Episode 18- Part152

    00:00- Recap of previous episodes

    1:00- Surah Jumma verse 2 on the prophet’s responsibility. Then why did Ghamidi sb think it was not his responsibility?

    24:42– Correct meaning of the word “Allama”

    28:00– Responsibility for teaching ethics and beliefs

  • Ahsan

    Moderator December 9, 2023 at 3:28 am

    Episode 19- Part153

    00:00- Recap of Previous Episode

    1:10- What are the base arguments for your interpretation of Surah Jumma verse 2 in a different way? Answer with reference to Imam Razi work

    13:17- Discussion about Quran linguistics to explain the same point

  • Ahsan

    Moderator December 22, 2023 at 8:51 am

    Episode 20- Part154

    00:00- Recap of Previous Episode

    0:49- Responsibility of Prophet according to verse 16:44

    2:56- Meaning of bayinnah

    8:11- Can the word have a double meaning?

    14:20- Use of word in the Quran?

    23:17- Summary of the whole argument

    25:14– Are the meanings of this word contradictory?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator December 30, 2023 at 11:16 am

    Episode 21- Part155

    00:00- Intro

    1:01- Which meaning must be taken for verse 16:44? Answer with an excerpt from Tabari

    12:00- An excerpt from ibn Ashur Tafsir

    22:14- Understanding the context of the verse 16:44

    28:41– why is this kind of composition used in the verse?

    31:40- Imam Farahi’s point of view

  • Ahsan

    Moderator January 16, 2024 at 10:45 pm

    Episode 22- Part 156

    1:00 Ghamidi sb’s comment of Maulana Maududi’s understanding of the verse of Surah Al-Nahl (tabeen) (Prophets responsibility).

    10:00 Question: When Prophet is the source, he should be responsible for explaining the Quran.

    13:00 Question: Does Maulana Maududi have the same opinion (regarding Prophets’ responsibility) consistently in his works?

    15:25 Question: When Allah says it is His responsibility to explain and clarify certain verses, should it also be on the prophet?

    16:35 Question: Maulana Maududi says that the finality of the prophet SAW requires that Prophet SAW must explain the Quran and be a role model.

    21:25 Question: Maulana Maududi says that Quran itself says that it is not enough for Hidayat/guidance and requires the Prophet SAW to clarify and explain.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator January 16, 2024 at 10:45 pm

    Episode 23- Part 157

    00:00- Intro

    1:50- Objections of people on the Ghamidi sb’s understanding of the meaning of the word “Tabeen’.

    2:03- Objection 1: Verse of Surah Baqarah, use of the word ‘Tabeen’ in the story of Bani Israel sacrificing the cow.

    6:24- Ghamidi sb’s definition of ‘Tabeen’, ‘Sharah’.

    14:22- Reply to Objection 1.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator January 31, 2024 at 8:30 am

    Episode 24- Part 158

    00:00- REcap

    0:52- Objection 2: Surah Al Noor, verses 58 and 31. Quran used the word ‘Tabeen’ in the meaning of ‘exclusion’, and ‘added conditions’.

    3:22- Explanation of verse 31 of Surah Al-Noor. It is not related to verse 58.

    8:11-Explanation of verses 27 to 29. These verses are actually related to verse 58.

    27:40- Explanation of verse 58 of Surah Al-Noor

  • Ahsan

    Moderator February 17, 2024 at 9:36 pm

    Episode 25- Part 159

    00:00- REcap

    1:00- Objection 3: Surah Nisa verse 22 describes the list of forbidden relations to marry (Mehram). Surah Baqara 221 adds one more condition and calls it ‘Tabeen’.

    5:05- Explanation of Surah Al-Baqara verse 221.

    20:10– Question: How do these two verses (Surah Nisa 22, Surah Baqara 221) not contradict each other?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator February 17, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    Episode 26- Part 160

    1:00- Objection 4: Surah Baqarah verse 234-236 changed the directive for women in iddat for 1 year

    3:14- Explanation of Surah Al-Baqara verse 236.

    20:15- Quranic Directive for shaving head before Qurbani

    25:37- Linking discussion to explain tabeen in Surah baqarah verse 240

    29:30- Question: Why does God address specific segments, not general words?

    32:30- Example of a Pakistani judge’s decision about barring politicians from elections to make the point

    35:54- Answer to assumption: Were these verses specific to a certain segment of people?

    37:43- Question

  • Ahsan

    Moderator March 17, 2024 at 12:43 am

    Episode 27- Part 161

    0:00– Intro

    0:40- Objection 5: Surah Al-Noor verse 2. Allah says ordered to flog both adulterer/adulteress. Then later he changed/decreased the order for some people.

    1:30- Ghamidi sb explanation and clarification of the objection.

    4:40- Explanation of verse 2 of Surah Al-Noor.

    7:56- Example of Kids’ punishment to make a point of understanding about verse

    10:53- Example of female slaves

    13:39– Concept for considering excuse before punishment

    21:22- Explanation of verse Surah Nissa verse 25.

    26:00- Example of Hazrat Umar suspending hand cut

    27:53– Continuation of explanation Surah Nissa verse 26 and relating it to Surah Noor verse 2.

    30:42- Conclusions drawn from the whole discussion

    32:29- Question: Surah Nur verse talk about unmarried people, why you have difference of opinion

  • Ahsan

    Moderator March 17, 2024 at 12:49 am

    Episode 28- Part 162

    0:00- Intro

    1:10- Objection on Ghamidi sb’s explanation of Imam Tabri’s views.

    1:45-Ghamidi sb explains the background and the meanings of the word ‘Tabeen’.

    9:17– Explanation of Tabri’s views on ‘Tabeen’.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator May 18, 2024 at 9:42 am

    Episode 29- Part 163

    0:00- Intro

    1:19- Do yo agree with the meaning of tabeen as defined my other ulemas?

    3:42 Differences between ulemas within themselves

    15:25- Opinion of Ghamidi sb

  • Ahsan

    Moderator May 18, 2024 at 9:43 am

    Episode 30- Part 164

    00:00- Introduction

    1:07- Do contemporary scholars agree that God and the Prophet have the authority to specify, amend, delete, alter, and add for the purpose of explanation and clarification? The book reference : (

    2:36 What does “بیان تبین” mean in the verse where Prophet Abraham prayed for his father’s sin?

    7:02 Did Allah use the word ‘تبین’ in Surah Saba to inform the jinn of any new information regarding the death of Prophet Solomon?

    9:21- Meaning of word tabeen e ayat in surah nur verses

  • Ahsan

    Moderator May 18, 2024 at 9:45 am

    Episode 31- Part 165

    0:00 Intro, Analysis of various Ahadeeth that are presented by critics.

    2:18 First example: Surah Baqarah; Instruction regarding periods for women. Hadeeth limits the scope of this rule.

    7:55 Ghamidi sb’s explanation about the first example.

    12:28 Why and how does the confusion occur between the Quran and its explanation by Rasool SAW. Why do people think that Rasool changes/limits the Quran’s laws?

    15:18 Impact on the status of Allah’s book/kalam, when people say that Quran doesn’t clearly state anything, it is vague and Prophet clarifies/changes/limits the scope and brings everything within reason.

    18:30 Second example: Quran says in Surah Baqarah (Allah allowed trade), but Hadeeth tells us that trading of idols is not allowed.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator May 18, 2024 at 9:46 am

    Episode 32- Part 166

    0:00 Intro

    0:42 Third example: Surah Nisa uses the word ‘Beat women’ in absolute terms. Hadeeth limits its scope.

    6:00 Why the words of the Quran are taken out of context and categorized in the fiqh. Then it creates confusion in understanding what Quran is trying to say.

    9:40 One of the reasons of going astray and not understanding the Quran properly is not taking into account the context and logical corollaries of the statements.

    12:53 Fourth example: Surah Nisa states in absolute words that a boy gets twice the share of girl in inheritance. Hadeeth limits the scope by restricting the inheritance for the son in some cases.

    23:54 When scholars say that hadeeth clarifies/changes/limits the Quran and makes it reasonable, does it not degrade the status of Allah’s book?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator June 10, 2024 at 11:39 pm

    Episode 33- Part 167

    0:00 Intro

    1:00 Does hadeeth contain ‘Wahi’ and revelation?.

    5:30 When Allah sends all revelation, and decides which one needs to be propagated to people like Quran. Then there must be a difference between Quran and other ‘wahi’.

    9:05 The fact that “Prophet SAW stopped some people from writing Hadeeth”, is known by a hadeeth. So how can we use hadeeth to define the status of Hadeeth?.

    12:35 What does the verse in Surah Najm, (Prophet doesn’t say anything on his own) mean?.

    14:28 A question on the ‘ilm Rijaal’, its period and gap between the time of Prophet and the time of Hadeeth scholars.

    16:20 There are differences on the status/authenticity of the narrators themselves. So how can we base our knowledge on something that is controversial in itself.

    20:38 What is your approach in accepting ahadeeth, and considering the narrators as authentic.?

    22:53 How can we decide about the authenticity of the narrators today? Everything is based on the statements and judgements of some people of old times.

    24:13 How do you see the statements that Imam Bukhari analyzed several lacs ahadeeth?. It doesn’t seem to be humanly possible based on the science and logic.

    27:20 Do you accept the possibility of political influences of narrators in ahadeeth?

    29:45 On the basis of this knowledge that has inherent limitations, How can we say that we can lose our Iman if we don’t accept it, and it becomes obligatory on us to obey.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator June 10, 2024 at 11:40 pm

    Episode 34- Part 168

    0:00 Intro

    0:35 Hadeeth: Prophet SAW once said when a hadeeth will reach some people, they will say we have Quran, and Quran is enough.

    10:42 When Prophet SAW is present, it is obligatory to obey him. But today, when we research the authenticity of hadeeth, does it mean we aren’t ready to obey?.

    13:11 Some people say that Prophet referred to his knowledge and sayings as sunnat?

    14:10 Hadeeth: Prophet SAW judged a case of fornication by Quran, but the punishment is different than what is in the Quran.

    16:37 Punishment of Qabr/Grave ahadeeth. It is not present in the Quran?

    19:25 Another case where Prophet SAW gave a ruling, but that topic is not in the Quran?.

    23:33 Signs of the day of Judgement. Its not in the Quran, but there are a lot of ahadeeth.

    24:38 An instruction by Prophet SAW about buying/selling, that is not based on Quran.?

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