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  • Is Wearing Unisex Clothes Halal

    Posted by Ibrahim Ali on August 3, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    I want to ask

    There is a hadith which narrates

    Man who imitates woman and woman who imitates man are cursed by Allah,

    And another hadith narrates they won’t be seen by Allah on the day of judgment,

    Is this hadith is about someone who desperately want to change their gender, or want to make themselves recognise as another gender,

    Bcz i think the things which is halal for man and woman to wear has already made clear in Qur’an,

    And also I want to ask if a woman have no intention to make herself recognise as a man instead she is so satisfied within herself and do appreciate herself for being a woman,

    Does this apply on her too

    Like as non Muslims has made so many genders on their own perceptions

    They have made tomboy term

    Which is used for athletic , energetic, adventurous girls who r so much into gaming or sports or so much into becoming strong physically, or someone who wears baggy cloths or wear unisex cloths

    They call that kind of girl a tomboy and proudly call her that,

    While my sister is like this as I mentioned above she is into so much cool stuff which is adventurous for her and she don’t wear any makeup or things which normally makes her uncomfortable

    But the far I know she is one year younger but is like a child she like comfort so she try her best to wear things which r comfy for her that’s the reason she don’t wear tight cloths,,,,,

    So people call her tomboy while she warns them to not to call her that as she don’t like called being a boy just bcz she loves things which society has made gender limited,

    So kindly help it out and tell me if the hadith is Sahih and in what context hadith is narrated ,,

    If a person has no intention and desire to do so then???

    Is unisex cloths allowed such as

    Blazers , sweatsuits,hoodies , jackets, coats, shirts ,baggy clothes,pants or other garments ,

    As alot of cloths are unisex except for some like frocks or Abhaya or long dresses or for boys Imama, throb or any distinctive shirt which is only made for one gender,,

    Kindly tell me briefly,,,,

    Ibrahim Ali replied 1 year, 6 months ago 3 Members · 27 Replies
  • 27 Replies
  • Is Wearing Unisex Clothes Halal

    Ibrahim Ali updated 1 year, 6 months ago 3 Members · 27 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 4, 2023 at 1:49 am

    wearing opposite-gender clothes is violating the code of nature in the sense that men and women are different, so, they need to show themselves differently and have to wear different clothes for their different identities. However, unisex clothes are not meant for either of the genders specifically and society does not look at such clothing as a violation of the code of nature by wearing opposit-gender clothes. So they can be worn by both genders.

    Secondly, if someone is not satisfied with his or her gender, he or she can take medical aid to change his or her gender if possible, it is morally not objectionable.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 4, 2023 at 2:01 am

    I’m asking if it is haram and if Allah won’t look at those people,,?

    It’s not about not being satisfied with who they are

    I want to ask if clothes which are worn by both genders and is considered unisex not for a specific gender

    So what is the ruling

    And also the far I know we boys can’t wear baggy pants as it covers the ankle so it made the difference between woman and man right,,

    And please help me out about in which context the hadith is mentioned,,,

    Like if a girl is going to sit they say sit in that manner bcz u r a girl,,

    So does it have any link to the hadith or it is just society’s culture Nd preceptions

    • Umer

      Moderator August 5, 2023 at 4:12 pm

      The hadith quoted in the question has a completely different context and it is not talking about minor similarities like the way of talking, sitting or wearing unisex clothes etc. Sometimes, certain actions can be similar between both the genders hence no clear line can be drawn between them. At the same time, there are some clear distinctions with which male and female are both born with, those distinctions should not be tampered with intentionally (for example, changing of genitalia without any medical reason, wearing clothes which are well-known to belong to one specific gender).

      The concept of prohibition to change one’s nature actually emanated from Quran 30:30-31 (Surah Rum Verses 30 and 31) and Quran 4:119 (Suran Nisa Verse 119).

      As a matter of principle, nothing in religion be declared Haram unless there is an element of prohibition found in it. For matters other than dietary, the ethical prohibition is determined in the light of Quran 7:33 (Please see: Discussion 1749). Thus the five categories being:

      1) Fawahish

      2) Usurping the rights of others

      3) Oppression

      4) Polytheism

      5) Biddah

      Regarding Surah Nisa Verse 119 and Surah Rum Verses 30-31 on Meaning of Changing Fitrat:

      These verses primarily talk about ‘fitrah of tawheed‘ with which humans are born and can be extended to ‘fitrah of innate morality‘, in accordance with which the above prohibitions are mentioned (i.e. Quran 7:33).

      Another application of this directive by extension would be changing of one’s gender, it falls under changing of one’s nature with which they were born, hence resulting in usurpation of rights of one’s own body i.e. innate morality (the same application whose epitome is suicide and hence prohibited). Similarly, there is another element of immorality when one pretends to change their natural gender i.e. deception. Other prohibitions can also be determined in the light of the same principle.

      To understand these verses in more detail, Please see the following reply:

      Discussion 53509 • Reply 53793


      And also refer to the following response of Ghamidi Sahab from 2:16 to 20:12

      Ahadith Prohibiting Imitation of another Gender:

      It must be kept in that in our discourse Ahadith and/or separate incidents and individual reports are not a source of any law. Because of certain inherent limitations with their nature of transmission, they are to be understood in the light of Quran and Sunnah. And before reaching any conclusion, all the ahadith on a particular topic need to be studied and analyzed to get the complete context.

      When all the ahadith are studied on this topic, it becomes clear that there was a specific issue in relation to transgender people who used to deceive women as being eunuch and sit in their company; but when Prophet Muhammad (sws) came to know of their deception, he took some extreme measures and one of those meaures included exile as a lower punishment for the crime of ‘Fasad fil Arz‘ (This definitely means that there must be some other crimes committed by such people which led to the application of Muharbah punishment on them, such other crimes are not mentioned in the narrations but can be understood when all the narrations on the topic are studied deeply). It is in this context that Prophet Muhammad (sws) gave these statements that men and women who imitate like this and there is deception involved in such imitation, then such deception cannot be ignored and perpetrators will be dealt with if they commit any form of anarchy in the society because of their actions.

      Following are the narrations which help us understand the context in a much better way:





      عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما، ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم”لعن المخنثين، وقال: لا تدخلوهم بيوتكم”، لم يروه عن الحارث، إلا عبد الواحد بن زياد، ولا عن عبد الواحد، إلا عفان

      On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “cursed the effeminate (Mukhannath/shemale/Hijra), and said: Do not enter them into your homes.” They did not report it on the authority of Al-Harith, except for Abd Al-Wahed bin Ziyad, and not on the authority of Abd Al-Wahed, except for Affan.

      (Al-Moajam-us-Saghir Tabrani Number 650)

      When the following Ahadith are read and understood in the light of the above discussion, then the context becomes much easier to understand. And it can be seen in many narrations that Prophet Muhammad (sws) asked his companions to remove such people from their homes, this leads us to the same context which is elaborated in the above mentioned narrations of Sahih Muslim and Sunan Abi-Dawud.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 5, 2023 at 6:18 pm

    So as you said that man and woman both are borned with some clear distinctions, so are they distinctions are included as physical body differences or something other than it?

    And also I want to ask that

    Any type of work , sitting ,eating standing,wearing unisex cloths or behaviour In short is not the thing which determines a woman and man as they both are humans so it is similar at some point they all act the way Allah created their personalities and interests!!

    Am I right?? if I’m wrong plz correct me here,,

    And I want to ask Allah has created woman and man both with different kind of harmones which make their body shape different even if they build up their bodies,,

    So if a woman do body building like man also do or she makes up muscles to become strong would she be imitating??

    As if someone wants to become strong no one can do it without having muscles or even if she is doing body building what would be the case then?? Would she be included in people who are cursed by Prophet Muhammad Saw??

    And what does the meaning of the hadith you mentioned in which there is a context which goes like this:

    “When she comes forward, she comes forward with four (folds in her stomach), and when she goes backward, she goes backward with eight (folds in her stomach).” What is the context upper narrating about ,,

    And how exactly a woman can become a man

    The case will be carried when she have the desire to become a Man and she do her all acts just to fit in with being a Man

    Wether it’s about changing the genetics, or about intentionally wearing things which are specifically distinctive to one gender , or she be trying to grow up beard and making herself non fertile being,

    Is it is the context which make a woman imitate a man not the things which are dependent on the personality and interests,, right,??

    And one last question,

    Sorry for troubling you ,, May Allah blesses you ,

    Mostly man cloths are unisex so all it is about if you get that women size version of it it depends on a Person’s physic ,

    So if a woman buys cloths from a random store and it is written on the tag that it is “gents” shirt but it is considered to be normal when it comes to wearing it as norm of unisex clothing, would it be allowed or one must go to a unisex cloth store to buy or if a seller told that it is normal it can be used by both man and woman the buyer can buy it right??

    So would it allowed to a sister to sometimes borrow her brother’s jacket or thing which is not distinctive,,

    Answer it plz

    And jazakallah for the upper help ,

    Allhumdulilllah it helped me out with alot ,, I’m just confirming last time ,, May Allah bless you,, Ameen,,,

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 7, 2023 at 12:28 am

    Brother plz reply for the above confusion ,


  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 7, 2023 at 1:21 am

    There are some universal distinctions: like wearing gender-specific clothes and make-up, some are practiced at the local level like wearing pants or smoking, some are habitual like a man act or behaves like a woman or vice versa, and some others are based just on individual opinion or perception like riding a bike, outdoor jobs and sports like bodybuilding, etc, which some people think are meant only for men. It is only the first category that is objectionable. The rest has no point to make them prohibited.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 7, 2023 at 4:29 am

    So is my understanding above is correct?

    And plz explain the part of the hadith I mentioned I couldn’t understand it as I need to forward it to other person

    So I want to be clear about it ,,

    So the universal distinctions are prohibited,, right,,

    And are local level distinctions are man-made,,?

    Do we need to determine this difference by any type of human act ,,

    Bcz the far I know the way humans do any work it’s not gender specific, it’s just something people don’t let women do because of their own perspective,

    Right ,,

    If a woman got a bold personality or interests people start calling her

    “She is masculine”

    Isn’t it’s all perspectives,,, or it is prohibitions , does it have any connections to religion?

    Plz make it clear Nd little brief

    I am a very confused person so I need to clear the confusions or it make me more trapped ,,

    And when you wrote

    “The first category is objectional ”

    Was it about universal distinctions??? Or even for the local distinctions ,

    Bcz the whole hadith is quoted so different than the perspectives of people on how a woman should behave ,,

    I have researched it and it turned out that the all things which people nowdays says

    About women should behave in this manners or else she won’t be a women, are all man-made not religious,, am I correct, if I am not then plz correct me here,,,


    • Umer

      Moderator August 9, 2023 at 4:22 am

      Male and female genders are primarily distinguished on the basis of differences in their reproductive organs, with each one having a distinct genitalia with distinct functions. Any attempt made to permanently tamper this part of gender identity and its respective functions (without any genuine reason) would be considered changing one’s nature.

      By extension, certain universal attributes are attached to each gender as a mode of identifying each gender, for example, the way women beautify themselves as opposed to men, certain clothing attributed to each gender which if worn by the opposite gender will clearly give a wrong impression regarding one’s own gender. This could create both the element of deception and the tampering with nature by tweaking gender specific attributes.

      Below this category there could be some society specific attributes of what is considered masculine and what is considered feminine. Such attributes keep changing with time through evolution of societal norms and culture. They can be ignored.

      Since unisex clothes are not gender specific, therefore they can be worn by either gender.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 9, 2023 at 6:53 am

    Jazakallah brother you have cleared my all confusionss, jazakallah,, it was basically on what cloths are distinctive,,,, my interpretation is correct ,rightt,

    It was such a huge confusion,,May Allah bless you ☺️Ameen

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 10, 2023 at 9:36 am

    Brother ,

    Do wearing something which is not labelled as women wear but is normally worn by both genders and is not gender specific nor a distinctive cloth as you mentioned about women they have dresses or jewelry and men have some distinctive cloth more in traditional wears rather than in western wear,,

    So I was asking that can a women wear that thing which is labelled as men’s but is actually unisex cloth,,

    As in our house sometimes my sister and we borrow cloths from eachother as they are not something only a boy can wear in any perspective

    Means it’s not something distinctive,,

    Anyway plz answer that for her confusion,,

    • Umer

      Moderator August 11, 2023 at 5:34 am

      There is no issue with wearing clothes which are not uniquely distinctive and can be worn by both genders.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 15, 2023 at 8:09 am

    What is included in first category??

    Only the universal distinctions right!!

    Bcz from very past era women and men equally smoke, still it’s not something preferred in our religion but it’s a fact,,

    And women do wear pants,

    Anyway I want to ask the first universal level distinctions are objective right,,

    As Dr Irfan shezaf sir wrote that some are habitual ,

    But in actual through my experience

    People didn’t got their habits by their gender but by their surroundings and interests,

    It’s my opinion after the experience of 4 years through it,

    So the habits are made by their own interests and surroundings not by gender ,, what’s your opinion upon it,,?

    Plz see the screenshot below to get to know abt my question,,

    And plz reply it too,

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 15, 2023 at 8:10 am
  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 15, 2023 at 8:13 am

    I just want to ask it’s written abt the only objectional in the category stated in above screenshot is the first one so the first category is it is about


    Or local or habitual?

    Or just the universal level

    As I told u above the people got their habits by their perceptions, surroundings, nterests and personalities,,

    Kindly elaborate

  • Umer

    Moderator August 16, 2023 at 2:46 am

    Attributes which create obvious distinction between two genders should be avoided. Distinct Clothing is one of them. The nature/type of clothing may vary from culture to culture but the concept of this distinction is still universal. Another example is how women embellish themselves with makeup and other jewellery, this concept of women adorning themselves more than men is also universal. Such universal distinctions are important to maintain and follow with some differing applications w.r.t dofferent societies and different cultures. Local distinctions and cultural distinctions which do not stem from universal gender distinctions do not pose a serious ethical issue but a person may decide to follow them to not disrupt harmony in the society.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 16, 2023 at 3:22 am

    So universal ones are objective here,, right

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 16, 2023 at 12:53 pm

    Uniquely distinctive cloths,, does this mean as often in traditional cloths uniquely distinctive is shown so openly but often in western cloths they normally got very few distinctive cloths for men

    Which includes tuxedo, and one or two more ,

    But for women they got alot of distinctive cloths like the way some women their style which have many fashion changes but when it comes to men cloths in western style they got some designs which are uniquely distinctive to male gender after that uniquely distinctive they got things and cloths which are worn by both genders some are labelled as unisex in store some are labelled as Men’s,, (bcz of their mindset abt masculine and feminine,, they think feminine is when the female shows her more skin in her outfits,, ) anyway , so my question is can a women wear cloths which are labelled as men but are things which are common in both genders while ignoring their mindset and label ,

    • Umer

      Moderator August 17, 2023 at 11:07 pm

      Clothing which has become common in both genders can be worn but clothing which is primarily and practically associated with the opposite gender should be avoided. Word tranvestite is used to describe someone who dresses in clothes primarily associated with the other gender. Therefore, this concept of distinctive clothing for each gender exists in almost every society.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 18, 2023 at 2:05 am

    Ok so we have to search first if the cloth is worn by both or not,, ?

    But sometimes things happens like this that some starts to wear them others start to wear while watching them,,

    So someone do starts it ,, right,

    And if the cloths are worn by both genders is it necessary that it should be world wide common or else one can’t wear it,,?,,,

    Like if one company specially made a new cloth so that can be worn by both genders ,,, then?

    • Umer

      Moderator August 19, 2023 at 3:44 am

      We can point towards the principle but a person has to make these decisions himself in the light of the current available information. For borderline cases or cases which are not so clear, a person can choose either course of action (going with it or not going with it) however refrainment is recommended. Some specific gender clothes need not be commonly worn worldwide, however they should be considered gender specific by almost everyone and there lies no major disagreement among people on their gender specific nature.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 19, 2023 at 6:15 am

    Like traditional clothes right,??

    They are known world wide to be gender specific,

    Like in Pakistan it’s about lehenga and sherwani ,

    In western it’ll be men’s tuxedo and a ballroom dress

    In Japan it’s their specific,,,,

    So everyone knows abt it,

    But things in west country is different

    Like either they got everything a female version of it or either it’s about unisex cloths ,,

    One scholar I listened told that jacket is an exception it can be worn by both genders no matter what,,

    Is it true?

    • Umer

      Moderator August 19, 2023 at 6:53 am

      Yes, that is correct.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 19, 2023 at 8:41 am

    So it Is mostly abt traditional cloths,,??

    Jazakallah for the answer

    • Umer

      Moderator August 20, 2023 at 11:05 pm

      Yes, traditional clothes which very clearly gender specific to everyone (as explained above) are also included in it.

  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 21, 2023 at 4:17 am

    So is it abupon the person to decide right,,

    If he/she is honest to Allah then it’s ok,

    And if the individual knows that the thing is not a gender specific but not so popular too then it’ll be alright!!

    Am I right above?

    • Umer

      Moderator August 21, 2023 at 8:53 am


  • Ibrahim Ali

    Member August 21, 2023 at 9:40 am

    Okk ,, jazakallah ☺️

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