What Manifestation Of Fear Of Allah Is Ibadah?
my question is that when it is said that ibaadah in essence is realization or feelings of servitude/humbleness to God. and the things that realization manifest itself are imaan too. like fear of Allah, reliance in Allah, love for Allah.
my question is that what part of fear of Allah’s disobedience is Eman/Ibadan ? is it just a realization that this thing must not be done? or is it the fast heartbeat because of it or anxiety or other bodily symptoms?
if someone gets anxiety and fast heartbeat because of fear of Allah’s punishment. and he wants this anxiety and fast heartbeat to go away because of its adverse affects on body (low concentration, less sleep, irritable bowel) , so he eats medications or does exercises so that the effects on body that were produced because of the fear are minimized or finished, would it be like the person stopped a manifestation of ibadah which is Eman?
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