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Forums Forums Epistemology and Philosophy God Loves Us 70 Times More Than A Mother And Yet He Will Punish Us?

  • God Loves Us 70 Times More Than A Mother And Yet He Will Punish Us?

    Posted by Danial Ahmed on October 9, 2023 at 4:12 am

    I have this question and i never get a clear cut answer on it.

    If Allah loves us 70 times more than our mothers then how come he’s willing to punish us muslims badly on every single sins in afterlife ?

    Our mother loves us to death and she would never punish us the same way that Allah does over big/small sins.

    I know how much my mother loves me that she would never ever think of hurting me physically or mentally in a way that Allah would punish us in afterlife.

    Yes i know we can be forgiven but there are many things that can’t be forgiven.

    I don’t want to sound rude or anything but please somebody give me a good answer on it.

    I’m so confused 🙁

    Saad replied 12 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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