Eye Contact In Islam
Is eye contact of the opposite gender in Islam haram? According to surah nur verse 30 and According to a tradition related by Buraidah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) instructed Ali: O Ali, do not cast a second look after the first look. The first look is pardonable but not the second one. (Tirmizi;, Ahmad, Abu Daud). Jarir bin Abdullah Bajali says that he asked the Prophet, What should I do if I happen to cast a chance look? The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: Turn your eyes away or lower your gaze. (Muslim, Ahmad, Tirmizi, Abu Daud, Nasai). So according to the quoted hadiths and ayat above is it haram for a men or women to make eye contact or to look at opposite gender even without any bad intentions? What if someone is talking to you do you have to keep resisting watching them?
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