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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Do Truth Seeking Non-Muslims Get Jannah?

  • Do Truth Seeking Non-Muslims Get Jannah?

    Posted by Muhammad Sami ud-Din on November 17, 2023 at 1:31 am

    Asselamu aleykum,

    Ustad-e-Mohtaram (ha) stated that, the truth-seeking non-Muslims will also get Jannah. But if so, then why Hadhrat Amr ibn al-Aas (rta) said that if he would be died as a enemy of the Prophet (sav) [without accepting Islam], then he would be in Jahannam? This clearly indicates that the truth was not clarified to him at that time. (Muslim 321, Musnad Ahmed 17933)

    Kindly clarify in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah, Thanks.

    Muhammad Sami ud-Din replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Do Truth Seeking Non-Muslims Get Jannah?

  • Muhammad Sami ud-Din

    Member November 17, 2023 at 1:52 am

    In this video Dr. Abdur Rahman Green (ha) is saying that, those people who will complain that they did not got any messanger. Allah will send messenger to them, at the day of judgement. And he will command them to go into the hell, and Allah will make it cooler for them. This completely seems to be baseless. But, what is the reference for it? Please reply to it as well.

  • Umer

    Moderator November 21, 2023 at 2:00 am

    The statement of Amar bin Al-Aas (rta) was correct because the law in presence of a Rasul is different where because of itmam-e-hujjah, every active enemy of Rasul is bound to be destroyed and is bound to go to Hell because in such matters truth is bound to be clear for the addressees of a Rasul. Amar bin Al-Aas (rta) is referring to his emotions of enmity against Prophet Muhammad (sws) which made him blind towards the truth. One cannot be a true seeker of the truth if he lets his emotions make him blind to the truth. Therefore, there is nothing objectionable in this statement.

    The verse quoted by Mr. Abdur Rehman Green i.e. Quran 17:15We never punish [any nation] unless We send a messenger [so that he is able to conclusively communicate the truth to it before being punished.]” is about punishment on this earth after itmam-e-hujjah when seen in the context.

    For view point of Ghamidi Sahab on Non-Muslims and Jannah, please refer to the following thread:

    Discussion 89526

    The reference to the narration quoted by the respectable scholar above can be found in the following response by Dr. Irfan Shahzad:

    Discussion 87028 • Reply 87101

    Regarding agnostics or people who were not sure regarding the truth because of a genuine reason, please refer to the following response by Ghamidi Sahab:

    Discussion 69477

  • Muhammad Sami ud-Din

    Member November 21, 2023 at 11:57 am

    Thank you so much, Umer Sahab.

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